Monday, August 30, 2010

Dr. appointment

Friday I had a dr. appointment and my mom was finally able to go with me, yay!  She drove on the way there so I could drink my sugar water because I had my glucola test that morning before my regular appointment.  And it was not bad at all!  But Colton and I LOVE anything sweet, so it actually tasted pretty yummy to me :)  So we get to the lab and have my blood drawn and they said since it was Friday, they won't know anything until Monday or Tuesday, so fingers crossed!  My regular appointment went great.  The dr. asked me if I was planning on taking off from work before she arrives and I kind of shrugged my shoulders and looked at her and said "I don't know, should I?  I was planning on working right up until the end actually."  She kind of laughed and said "I have NO restrictions on you, your weight looks good, your blood pressure is good, your measuring it's completely up to you."  Then she looked over at my mom and asked if she had such an easy pregnancy, and mom said "yep, she was my only one and I had no problems and my mom had six and she had no problems with any of them!"  So maybe we're just really lucky and have super easy pregnancies ;)

After my appointment we went to go eat lunch (because I was STARVING from not being able to eat breakfast that morning!) at Cheddar's, yum, and then went shopping around at JCPenny's and Target.  Mom said she felt like she hit the jackpot because she got new kitchen curtains and kitchen rugs for a steal!  While we were at Target of course we had to stroll through the baby section and you could tell it was hard for her to resist buying anything baby!  She kept stopping at toys and clothes and just admire them and say how cute they were, but we both kind of agreed that we wouldn't buy anything because I have my baby shower coming up soon, which I'm super excited for!

These past couple of weeks I have known three women who have gone into labor about a month before their due date...and it's really starting to make me nervous!  One of the moms (at the daycare) water broke last week at home and she was only 32 weeks when it happened!  So they told her they were going to keep her in the hospital for two weeks and try to hold off on her going into labor until the baby was at least 34 weeks.  She called me this morning when I got into work and said that she had the baby this weekend at 33 weeks and that she's healthy and fiesty!  I've been keeping Colton updated about it because she was only three weeks ahead of me, I'm already 30 weeks!!!!!  So this morning I sent him a text telling him that she had her and she was only 33 weeks but she's doing great and how weird it is to think that if something like that happened to us we could have a baby in a matter of weeks!  So then he sends me two pictures of two fortune cookies I sent him for lunch (leftover from our Hunan's this weekend) and the first one read, "Something wonderful is about to happen" and then the second one read, "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst."  Are you freakin kidding me!?!?!?!?!  So needless to say my mind is going through all these different scenarios about what could happen...even though I know I will probably go to week 40 and a couple days after :)  I'm of course hoping that she isn't that early but I'm also hoping that I'm not miserable and waddling around still at week 40!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Poor Pixie

We finally had Pixie fixed!  A lot of people would ask us if we breed her or would we consider breeding her, and honestly we thought about it for the extra money, and I know this sounds really lame...but I couldn't bear for her to have puppies and then we give them to other people!  I told Colton that she would miss them too much :)  And I didn't want her to have to go through all the pain for our benefit.  So Wednesday evening I took her in and she had to stay overnight and they did the surgery Thursday morning and I was able to pick her up that afternoon.  It was awful not having her at home that night!  I know Rocky missed her because he would just lay around and he wouldn't even eat.  So needless to say I was super excited to go pick her up Thursday!  When I got to the vet I was waiting for them to bring her to me and when I finally saw her I figured she would get all excited and try to jump out of the girls arms (because that's what she does at home) but she just sat there and looked at me like "mom...why did you do this to me?!"  I almost started crying it was so sad.  They told me she was cracking them up because when she woke up she was just mad at everything and she was letting them know it.  They said she was mad at her blanket, she was mad at the kennel at everything!  So we get in the car and the poor thing cannot get comfortable.  She sits on my lap when I drive, I know it's not the safest but she's so tiny and she actually sits still so it doesn't cause a problem and if she ever does start getting antsy and moving around I plop her onto the other seat.  But on the way home she would just bury her nose in between my arm and my side and lay there and just moan.  When we got home I put her in the house first before I let Rocky out of his kennel because they usually run a few laps around the house together and I didn't want her doing anything like that. So Rocky saw Pixie go in and as soon as I let him out he went straight to the front door and was waiting for me to let him in with his tail wagging like crazy, he wouldn't even go pee. So I let him in and he was so excited to see her, but of course she wasn't in the mood to be sociable at all so she just ignored him, poor Rocky. Normally at home she immediately goes and lays next to Rocky anywhere he is and curls up between his neck and falls asleep. I put her on the couch with me and she would lay down for maybe five seconds and then whimper and get up again and try to get comfortable in another position.They told me they don't give them ANYTHING for pain because it keeps them from doing too much too fast, which I understand, but as soon as Colton got home he was like "Abby, please give her something...she's miserable" so I quartered a Tylenol and gave her a little piece and it seemed to take the edge off but I have never felt so sorry for anything in my life.  That night Colton looked down at her on her pillow and said "I bet she's cold" and he put her in bed with us!  Today is the first day that I've really noticed she's fully back to herself.  She still stops at the steps on our back porch for me to lift her down on the grass to go potty because it still hurts a little, but other than that she's back to the ol' Pixie!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Growing belly

I almost died when I saw this picture!  It's weird how you can look at yourself in the mirror and know your body is changing, but seeing yourself in a picture is SO completely different.  When I got home from church on Sunday Colton grabbed the camera and was like, "we need to take a picture of you pregnant because we don't have one yet."  I can't believe this is the first picture that we have of me pregnant!  I would have really liked to do one every month and watch as it progessively got bigger, but I never thought about it and when you miss the first couple of months what's the point of keeping track of the other ones?  But I'm glad we now have at least one of my 7th month belly :)

And as it grows, I am getting increasingly miserable.  It really just kind of hit all at once.  I noticed last weekend when I laid down in bed that it was like someone cut off my air supply to my lungs and I couldn't breathe very well at all!  So I have to sleep with 3 pillows to prop the top half of my body up so I can breathe decently.  I know that doesn't sound like a whole lot of pillows, but I am NOT a pillow person.  I like one pillow, lying on my back and sprawled out.  Well of course I have to change everything!  And have you noticed how hot it's been?  Well whenever you think your hot, please think of me and maybe you'll cool yourself off a little bit ;)  And I had heartburn at the beginning of my pregnancy and for the past two months I haven't had any so I thought wow, that was lucky!  WRONG  I have heartburn worse than ever now.  Sunday we had gotten some bbq from the picnic in Lincoln and ate it for lunch and then made chop beef sandwiches for felt that if I opened my mouth I could breathe fire, but now I know not to eat bbq for two meals in a row.  I think pregnancy is a wonderful and really beautiful thing don't get me wrong, but enough is enough...COME OUT ALREADY!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010


This weekend our friends had their annual "skeet and eat" where we all get together and have a skeet shoot and just hang out all evening.  I was dreading going for like a week just because I knew it was going to be SO hot and I was going to be around a lot of annoying drunk people!  But it really wasn't bad, it was hot don't get me wrong, but I really had a good time.  I was standing around quite a bit, but not too much, and about 7-8 o'clock I could feel my ankles start to get stiff and swell!  This is the first time that they have done that (that I've really noticed) and I couldn't stop looking at them because they looked so funny and I was kind of embarressed, but I guess that's part of the package :)  I started thinking about it and I couldn't figure out why they got that bad that evening because I even went walking that morning, but then I realized I was off the day before and I cleaned ALL day and didn't stop to sit down until about 4, so I guess that could have had something to do with it.  So when we got home that night I just had to take a picture of my first set of cankles!

 Luckily Jenn had asked me the day before if I wanted to watch Cutter after the skeet shoot.  It was perfect because when I was completely pooped I had the good excuse of having him and needing to go home to put him to bed, and it also gave Colton a good reason to come home at a decent hour because he had to usher at church the next morning.  I told her to go ahead and let him spend the night and we would take him to church with us and that way her and Taylor could have a fun, yet peaceful night to themselves :)  So about 10 o' clock we headed home and we all figured Cutter would pass out in his carseat about 5 seconds down the road...nope!  It was so funny because he was kind of just talking to himself all the way home and Colton kept looking back at him and was like "how is he not sleeping!?"  So when we got home I told him to watch him for a little bit while I got in the shower and hopefully he'll wind down a little bit.  When I got out he was even more wound up and ready to play!  We had a good time with him, he kept getting behind the curtain of our front door and just stand there and look at us, even though we could see him and his face clear as day, and we would be like "where's Cutter?" and then he would pull the curtain back and laugh so hard lol!  Then he kept wanting to pet Rocky, his pet is a little rougher than we pet him so Colton was always standing right there when he was next to him and made sure that nothing happened.  We don't think that Rocky would do anything but honestly we really don't know because he's never been around such a little person like that and we definitely weren't going to risk it with someone else's child.  But Rocky did really good!  When I finally took Cutter to bed Colton said that Rocky whined as soon as he left the room :(  Well of course the next morning Colton had a touch of a stomach bug and as soon as I got Cutter ready for church he started acting sleepy, so I figured if Colton was staying home anyway I might as well put Cutter down for a nap and just have him watch him.  I think Colton was pretty nervous when I left, even though he didn't say it.  He told me when I got home that he went back and checked on him like 3 times to make sure he was breathing!!!  I was very proud of him though for watching him all by himself!

Monday, August 9, 2010

It's Official!

Finally!  We have officially decided that her name will be Korbyn!!!  I think we were both kind of waiting around to see if another name caught our attention, and believe me we go plenty of ideas from friends and family...and thanks to everyone who took the time to help us think of some names :)  But Korbyn still was "the one" for both of us.  YAY!  I know to some people the name doesn't need to be decided until they are born, and I hope for our sake that we don't look at her on delivery day and realize that that name just doesn't fit her, but we'll deal with that then.  But ever since we found out we were pregnant I have started to create this mental checklist of all the things that we need to get done before she arrives and choosing a name was one of them, so now it gets a big check mark!

I'm starting my 27th week and 7th month today!!!  It has gone by so fast for me so far.  I'm just nervous because I've been hearing two completely different opinions from everyone.  Some say that these last few months drag on and on and some say they go by so fast, I'm hoping it's the latter because I am really sick of 100 degree weather and the feeling of carrying a basketball around under my shirt.  It is unreal how hot and uncomfortable you can get so quick while being pregnant.  At night when we lay down to go to sleep I am sprawled out on top of the covers almost in a sweat while Colton is wrapped up underneath them asking me to turn the AC down!  I'm starting to notice too that I get uncomfortable if I sit for a long time.  We had the Beisert reunion this past Saturday and Colton and I were sitting through the meeting and then they had a raffle and an auction right after that, oh I was getting so miserably uncomfortable.  I would squirm and move around in my chair to try to get comfortable but nothing would help, I finally just had to get up and walk around for a little bit.  Colton bought me some bird houses that I mentioned I thought were cute WHILE I was in the bathroom, I came back to sit down and he was like "oh, by the way those are yours now."  Thanks babe!  We also bid on four Astros tickets, and actually got them two dollars cheaper than the original price.  We were so excited because we have been wanting to go see an Astros game together since we started dating, not that it's a big deal and Colton has seen them play, but I love to watch baseball and we like doing stuff like that together.  Of course we looked at the date on the tickets, AFTER we bought them and realized that that was the same day we already set aside for my shower!  I was disappointed but I told him to go ahead and make it a guy's weekend, he needs to do something manly before this little girl comes along ;)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Getting things going

Poor Colton, I made him sweat and work hard today.  And the bad thing is is that he works his butt off every day of the week and I hate that he has to do stuff like that on the weekend, but this nesting instinct is really starting to kick in.  When Rocky was much younger he would get really bad anxiety if we left him in the house by himself, even just for a little while.  So there were SIX places on our walls that needed to be repaired where he chewed.  I should have taken pictures before he started to work on them because in one place there was a baseball size hole through the wall where he had wasn't pretty.  So he patched up all the holes and teeth marks and we'll have to re-paint where they were (I hope I have some of the paint left now that I think about it!).  Then he spent about three hours in the miserable heat cleaning out our "shed," it isn't much of a storage space, but it's all we have at this house and works perfect for storing tubs.  He had to make three loads of junk down to the dump to get all of that stuff out of there, and the frustrating thing was is that none of it was even ours!  Accumulation of several previous renters.  I tried to help but everytime I would go to pick something up he would tell me to just let him get it...I felt bad for him having to do all of that by himself so I just stood out there and sweated with him :)  But I probably shouldn't have even done that because it was so dusty and gross, he kept telling me to go inside and to keep away from breathing in anything, he was right but I think that's the one thing I don't like about being pregnant.  I don't like to sit around while other people do stuff like that, I like to help out and it irritates me that I can't!!!  So even though it was hard work (mainly for Colton), we both agreed that it feels much better just knowing that we have some storage space, because we literally have NONE in this house.