Saturday, May 31, 2014

The real super mom

I'm so irritated because I looked back at the blog and I've made two entries that didn't even post!  One was Easter so I'll have to make sure I go back and at least re-post the pictures.

Wow, where do I start?  There are absolutely no words that describe or prepare you for being a mom, or a working mom.  But, I have to say that each time I start feeling overwhelmed I think about my mom and my little pitty party is immediately put to a stop.  I don't know how she did it.  She had two teenage boys and myself (enough said) to look after.  She worked a demanding, full time job.  We were in church every Sunday and had family devotions every evening.  She had a home cooked dinner on the table EVERY night, and that included all home cooked meals on the weekend too.  Her house wasn't always the most organized but it was clean.  There was never a dish left in the sink overnight and laundry was always done.  After everything was cleaned up and put away and everyone else went to bed, she would then pull out papers to grade and prepare lesson plans.  Then she would be up bright and early with breakfast prepared at the table.  AMAZING.  I'm not going to lie, my house is an absolute wreck.  If anyone were to come knocking at my door to visit right now I would be mortified.  Dishes and laundry are piled high and there are toys everywhere.  So, thanks mom for being a true "super mom."  Each time I feel like I just can't keep my head above water, I'm going to try my best to be just a little like you.

Evan 7 months

It's hard to believe this girl is already 7 months old.  She cut her first tooth yesterday, and other than putting things in her mouth more you would have never known she was teething!
 She has been such a joy and a blessing to us.  Her and Korbyn adore each other.  It melts my heart every time I see them interact.  When Evan sees Korbyn for the first time in the morning or when we pick her up from school, she starts kicking and screeching and won't stop until Korbyn gives her attention.  They love each other so much already.