Sunday, November 24, 2013


I'm not really sure how we got this lucky. Since the day we came home from the hospital Evan has slept 6-8 hours at night!  She started off in a swing in our room (I would never turn it on) and by day three when I realized she was pretty consistent, I moved her into her crib into the room that the girls will share.

Our nightly routine starts around 7-7:30.  I give the girls a bath together, Colton gets Korbyn dressed and then she can either read books or watch cartoons until I call her for bed.  In the meantime, I get Evan dressed and feed her a bottle around 7:30-8 and then lay her in her crib.  She normally is still awake and will just doze off by herself.  Then Colton or I will read Korbyn a book and pat her for a few minutes and that's it!  Evan will normally wake up between 3-5 for a bottle and will then go right back to sleep until around 8.  Korbyn on the other hand wakes up around 6-6:30 and is ready to go, but I'll take that routine any day.

I'm waiting for the night where she's up every few hours and just won't sleep.  But, when that night comes I'll take it, begrudgingly of course, knowing that my wonderful sleep-filled nights are over with :(

She's so alert during the day.  After she wakes up and eats in the morning she is in the best mood!  She stays awake until 10-11 then takes about a two hour nap.  Then she's up the rest of day and takes another little nap around 4.  It's like she's on the schedule of a one year old!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Big Sister

Korbyn is slowly adjusting to another child being in the house.  Right after Evan was home Korbyn went through a phase of where she didn't want to do anything we asked her to do.  She would flat out tell us "no" which is not like her at all.  Thankfully we're reaching the end of that and if that's all she's going to dish out, we'll take it!
 The poor thing has had so much change in her little life here lately.  We had a discussion one evening after they were asleep that we both felt sorry for her because of all the changes and she probably doesn't really understand what's going on.  We talked about how we feel bad when we have to get on to her about anything now because it just seems like it hurts her feelings.  But it's very important to us that we still explain things to her and don't turn around and baby her just because we feel bad.
 She is definitely in love with her little sister!  This morning Evan was sitting in her bouncer and Korbyn went over to give her a hug and was talking to her and Evan started smiling so big at Korbyn for the longest time.  Korbyn was SO excited!  I think she'll get more excited about her the more she grows and is able to interact with her.
Korbyn is very good with her, but I can't really brag on her too much for wanting to help me with her.  There's times when she wants to help and times when Evan can be sitting right next to her screaming because her paci fell out and is laying right by her head and Korbyn will tell me, without even moving, that she can't help because she can't find her paci.
She always asks to hold her and is constantly giving her kisses and hugs, especially when we're around other people.  It reminds me of a dog marking it's territory a little bit!

I can't wait to see Evan and Korbyn interact and really play with each will be interesting that's for sure.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday Korbyn!

Since Evan's birth was so close to Korbyn's birthday, we decided we couldn't do the costume party this year.  We had a small party at memaw Loranne's house with family only and it couldn't have turned out any better! 

We loaded up the bounce house and the kids had a blast.  The weather was a little cooler so it made it so nice to be outside.

 I know I've said it before but I will say it again, Colton and I are SO blessed to have the mothers that we do.  They are excellent mothers first of all, always willing to help out any way they can.  And are exceptional memaws on top of that.  They both worked together to put this party on for Korbyn and I can't thank them enough for making this day so special for my little girl!

 Korbyn, you are the smartest, kindest, funniest little girl I know.  You make your entire family so proud of you every day.  It's hard to believe that you are already three years old, but these have been the best three years of our lives!  We're looking forward to watch you grow baby girl.  Happy Birthday!  Love mommy, daddy, and Evan.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Welcome Baby Evan!

 She's finally here and she's absolutely perfect!  This delivery was much different than Korbyn's, thankfully Colton and I wrote everything down the day we got home so we could remember.
 We arrived at 8 p.m. on Wednesday.  By the time we got in our room, got settled, I got hooked up to the monitors and got my IV started it was 9:30 p.m. by the time they checked me and I was at 2 cm.  We watched TV, talked, and at 11:30 p.m. the nurse came and checked me again.  I was still at 2 cm but she said since I've been hooked up my contractions have been 3-5 minutes apart for two hours straight.  She asked if I've felt any and I told her no.  The exact same thing happened with Korbyn.  She said normally this is when they start the pill that softens my cervix but she can't give it to me because my contractions have to be less than three within 10 minutes.  She called my doctor and they decided to push fluids to possibly help space them out so they could start the induction.  At 1 a.m. she checked my contractions and they weren't slowing down at all, so they decided to start a low dose of the pitocin.  Colton and I got NO sleep.  The IV pump was obnoxiously loud, the monitors were so bright it was like a spotlight in the room, I had to get up and pee every 30 minutes which meant I needed Colton's help.  I only asked him a few times, because I was going so much I started to feel sorry for him if I knew he had dozed off for a few seconds.  Around 4 a.m. the storm hit and the nurse kept coming in to check on my monitors and call button to make sure they were working because the entire hospital was running off of the generators because the storm had knocked everything out.  When I say no sleep, I mean no sleep.

At 7:45 a.m. my doctor comes in and checks me and says that I'm at 4 cm.  She decides that since I'm progressing without even needing the other medicine they're going to break my water and then get the anesthesiologist in for my epidural.  Well I guess they thought that it would take a while for everything to get going, we were wrong!  At 8 a.m. they break my water, Colton steps into the bathroom to take a shower and by the time he comes out I'm in tears because my contractions are so strong and about 1-2 minutes apart. They had two anesthesiologists in my room and Colton said he overheard them talking that they were afraid they "missed" when they put it in because they couldn't get it to numb anything.  At this point I'm kind of starting to worry that the same thing is happening that happened with Korbyn, the epidural won't work. 

Around 8:30 a.m. they finally get my epidural to kick in.  They said because I was progressing so fast, the epidural literally couldn't keep up.  Colton said they injected me with about five syringes one after the other and then they even gave me some kind of stronger medicine than normal.  While they're trying to get the epidural in, I'm still contracting very hard.  So the nurse's hand became my squeeze toy, I felt really sorry for her.  I had to sit up over the edge of the bed for them to get it in and I was leaning on the nurse.  I could see that every time I contracted my water would come gushing out (sorry if this is too much info!) and the nurse's scrubs were completely soaked by the time we were finished.  When they were done putting it in, I quickly pointed to her pants and said "oh my gosh, I'm so sorry."  She didn't even notice!  She looked down and said "oh...that's ok...I'll just go change scrubs."  She was super nice about it but could tell she was grossed out.  We all had a little laugh and Colton said "at least it didn't get on your tennis shoes,"  she looked down and said " did."  Bleh! 

The nurse checks me and I'm at 7 cm already.  She says "wow!  Ok, I'm going to call the doctor because it looks like a baby will be here VERY soon!"  I start telling them that I need to push and that I feel a lot of pressure.  She checks me again a little before 9 a.m. and said "oh honey, you're at a 10 already!  You ready to have a baby?"  I start pushing at 9 a.m. and miss Evan arrived at 9:25 a.m.  SO different than Korbyn's birth.  This one happened so fast!

 We're absolutely in love!