Friday, April 27, 2012

Baby chicks

Korbyn has been able to hold plenty of baby chicks here lately.  Cutter and memaw both got new baby chicks!
At Cutter's house Jaci was getting a little upset with Korbyn because they were playing in the box and Korbyn kept laughing and picking the sides up on the box and Jaci did not like it one bit!  I finally just pulled Korbyn out of there because when she thinks something is funny she's just going to keep doing it.
 Memaw also has baby chicks.  My mom had two geese and one got eaten by a coyote probably about a year ago.  She wants to get another one because she says it's lonely, which it probably is.  So she got baby chicks right now because that's all Tractor Supply had.  My mom was actually watching Korbyn for me the day she bought them.  She said Korbyn got a little scared when they went into the store and all the chicks were chirping at once.  Now all she wants to do is hold them!  She's fascinated with them.  We just have to keep reminding her to be gentle with them, because she can get little rough.

Easter - Sunday

I know I'm so behind on posting, but during the day I'm not really around a computer and when we get home I'm constantly busy there so the only time I get to post is when everyone else is asleep.  Today I'm hoping to catch up!  I'm working in the church office today because the secretary is in the hospital and the pastor asked if I could fill in until she gets back.  I told him that would work out perfect because I'm trying to get Sam ready to be working by herself so that gives her the independence since I'm not her shadow during the day but I'm right down the hallway if she needs me.  I brought my phone cord and am ready to post!

Every Easter Sunday our church hosts an Easter breakfast and an egg hunt for the kids.  We tried to get a picture of all the Sunday school kids, not great but not bad.  After we were done eating we were just mingling in the fellowship hall and a little girl, probably about 4 or 5, came and sat by me and Korbyn and she pointed to Korbyn's hair and said "hey!  We match!"  The little girl also had red hair!  Well then another little girl came over and said "nuh uh...cuz she doesn't have spots like you."  I almost died laughing.  She was saying that they didn't quite match because Korbyn didn't have freckles like the other girl did!
 Daddy helped her out on this hunt.  She figured out that she likes it best if you hold the basket and follow her around and she'll put the eggs in it.
After church we did her favorite thing, drive down the road to nanny and papaw's.  We went to have lunch and yet another egg hunt.

Her new thing is blowing bubbles, and she can actually blow them!  So memaw was blowing bubbles outside with her until memaw let Korbyn hold the bubble container and they all ended up on the ground, it kept her occupied for a little bit though.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Easter - Saturday

 Saturday we went over to memaw Loranne's and papaw Doug's for Easter.  After lunch Jana and I took the girls into the playroom and occupied them for a little while.  After a few minutes we realized the Easter bunny had come!  The girls were so excited to go through their baskets that the bunny had left for them.
 After going through their baskets we went to find all the eggs that the bunny had left for us in memaw's yard.
 I think this is one of the two pictures that I have of Korbyn and myself on Easter.  I loved helping her out and finding the goodies.
 She was still more interested in what was inside the eggs than actually finding as many as she could...she'll soon learn the more eggs you get the more candy you get!

 This was how she carried her basket around.  She drug it all around the yard losing half her eggs while searching for new ones.
 Then we tried to get a picture of all three of them, this was the best I got.
 And of course the best part, going through all your candy!
 Then while the adults played croquet (this was my first time playing and I really liked it) in the yard, the girls were having a blast climbing up and down the fence.  Of course Korbyn wanted to do it all by herself and she could get on the first pipe on her own but then needed help getting the rest of the way.  Turned out some cute pictures of them though.

And I just had to throw this picture in.  When we were playing with the girls in the back room I came across this picture of Colton and his brothers...can you guess which one is Colton?!  I think she's about the same age, or pretty close, as he is in the picture.  She definitely looks like her daddy, no doubt about that.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Easter - Friday

 For Good Friday we went over to my mom and dad's for some yummy fried fish. 
 Sitting at the "girl's table" with all the big kids.  She hung out with all of them pretty much the entire time we were there, she loves being around them.

 We always line them up from youngest to oldest and let them go a few seconds apart.  We tried to get a picture of all of them and there goes Korbyn sneaking off to get some eggs!
 This was actually her very first Easter egg hunt.  She did surprisingly well!  She found a couple of eggs and immediately figured out that they open and there was candy inside of them.  So we tried to show her that the eggs go in your basket and go find as many as you can, she just wanted the candy.

 She eventually deserted her basket to try and open all the eggs she could!

 This moment was probably the highlight of her evening...surrounded by candy!!!
 Gotta love memaw.  Every year after we get finished hunting eggs everyone has to empty their eggs, put their candy in their basket and put the eggs in one container so she can re-use them for next year.  But you have to admit, it's pretty smart.  I actually don't know when was the last time she bought eggs.
Someone was blowing bubbles to get Korbyn still for the picture and I think it turned out so cute. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

First Pigtails

 Korbyn finally has enough hair for me to put into pigtails!  I have to say I'm not really a fan of 'em.  I don't know why but I just think she looks so much cuter with one side pony and a HUGE bow.  Unfortunately I don't get to put big bows in her hair very often.  I've also come to the realization that her daddy secretly likes the big bows too.  If I hold up two bows and ask him which one should I put in her hair he always picks the biggest one!  Her cheeks are so rosy because this was right after we went to watch my niece's soccer game at the park.  It's already getting way too hot for me, yuck.
 This is her new thing.  She looks out our front door on her tippy toes and tries to look between the design on the glass so she can see who's outside.  Whenever someone leaves she runs to the door, moves the curtain, and peers out while saying "bye!"
 One afternoon when she woke up from her nap she immediately asked for daddy.  It was a Sunday and he went down to my mom and dad's tank to fish for a little bit when she fell asleep.  I was still picking her up out of her crib when she was asking for him and I told her "daddy's not here, daddy went bye bye for a little bit."  Oh my, she immediately started wailing "daaaaadddddyyyyy!!!!" and ran to the door and was looking to see if she could still see him (even though he was long gone).  These pictures are of when that actually happened, and as you can see her head is tilted back in agony in the second picture!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


 Korbyn has fallen in love with pushing around her little shopping cart and stroller.  After spring break she came down with a little bug (hey you can't have that much fun and not expect to get sick right?!) so we were at home for a couple days.  I was watching her push her shopping cart and decided she would get so excited if I put Pixie in the cart and she got to push her around.  Pixie doesn't care of course, any attention is gobbled up by her.  So I stuck her in there and at first Korbyn just looked really puzzled, then I started pushing Pixie around and she was cracking up!  Occasionally she would get too fast and Pixie would jump out and Korbyn kept trying to pick her up and put her back in, it was priceless. 

 She's still into her babies a lot too.  She only has one tiny play bottle so I got one of her old bottles out of storage for her to play with and she thought that was the best thing in the world!  It's really funny because if you give her a baby she automatically holds her hands out and says "bobba?" and will find that teeny tiny bottle among all her other toys.

 She also likes to get into her stroller all by herself.  The bottom picture I just took today.  I have to say, it's quite a feat getting into that thing by yourself when you're that small!  I was watching her and just knew that the stroller was going to tip over while she was trying to get in it.  But I just stepped back and let her do it and sure enough she gets in and manages to turn herself around and flashes a big smile!