Monday, March 25, 2013

Big Girl Bed

Yes, we fell into the habit of Korbyn coming into our bed EVERY night.  She would go to her bed and fall asleep by herself with absolutely no problem.  But then about midnight every night she would make her way into our bed.

She is not a peaceful sleeper either.  She talks in her sleep, she ends up upside down in bed, she'll kick the covers everywhere, I've even woken up to Colton yelping because she kicked him in the chest.  Needless to say, we weren't getting much rest.

I tried taking her back to her bed when she would come to ours and she would just throw an absolute fit.  Then it would wake Colton up and eventually she would just end up back in our bed anyway.  I knew the only solution would be a "big girl bed."  Not that the actual bed would make a difference, but just that there was some sort of change.

I've been looking for a white cast iron bed for quite some time now and just never came across one that I really liked or they're super expensive for the real cast iron and I wasn't willing to pay that much for a kid's bed.  We went to IKEA on Saturday, which Colton hated, and had her bed set up that night.  If you're familiar with IKEA you know that they have all the furniture on display and then you have to write down the aisle and bin number off the tag of the product you want and then go into the warehouse and get it...not get in the warehouse and then change your mind!  I had found this online and fell in love with it and the whole bed was only $119!!!  So I plan on getting her a full size and figure that's plenty of room for her to grow into.  We get into the warehouse and Colton decides that it's better if we get her a queen size instead.  Well there was absolutely no way I was backtracking to find the right numbers, but it was the same product just a different size so it wasn't too hard to find.  I know a queen size is big for a two year old, but she will probably have this bed for a while.

The first night wasn't too bad.  We followed our same bed time routine and about 20 minutes after I left her room she was sitting up in bed calling "mommy!"  I'm sure it was all still a little scary.  So I went in and laid down with her and the minute she realized I wasn't giving in and taking her to my bed she went crazy.  She even started telling me to put her bed in the trash, that she didn't want it!  She wanted to sleep with mommy in mommy's bed.  I finally coaxed her to get under the covers and I whispered stories that I was just making up as I went along and she fell asleep a few minutes later.  She woke up two more times that night coming to our bed but each time I went in and laid back down with her until she fell asleep and would then come back to our bed.  Last night was basically the same, but she went to sleep immediately without me having to lay with her.  So my fingers are crossed that we can stay consistent with this because I know eventually she'll get over wanting to sleep with mommy.


How sad that it's been this long since I've posted anything!  Well that just gives you some insight on how crazy busy we always are.

Korbyn has been growing like a weed.  She no longer fits into anything 2T and is almost in a size 9 shoe, and continues to amaze me every day.

Here lately Colton and I have almost gotten to the point of concern because it seems like she truly has a hard time with her colors.  If you hold something up and ask her what it is she just looks at it and either says "I not know" or "red."  And then if you tell her what color something is it's like she can't remember it a few minutes later.

Every morning we eat breakfast and watch the news.  After the weather man comes on, I turn it on cartoons for her while I get ready.  Just last week she was sitting in between Colton and myself and the weather man came on.  The screen showed an array of colors (rain I think) and Korbyn said to nobody in particular "oh that's purple.  Oooo that's green, and look there's blue and yellow and orange."  Colton and I just looked at each other and started laughing!  That little turd knew her colors all along, she just didn't want to tell us when she didn't want to!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Funny things

I wish I had a built in voice recorder taped to me all day long!  Between hearing conversations between kids at the daycare and my own daughter, I could laugh all day.

The other day I was taking two three year olds to the bathroom.  While they were washing their hands, the little girl noticed that the boy had a picture of a skeleton with headphones on his shirt.  She looked at it and said "what is that?" the little boy told her it was an alien.  He then proceeded to tell her that aliens come and take you away and eat you. 

Now, normally I would have put the conversation to a stop and re-directed them onto something else...but at this point I just had to see where this was headed.

He then proceeded to tell her that first they cut off your leg, then they eat you.  The little girl said "nuh uh, cuz if they do that I'll just kick them!" and then she kicked the air with her cowboy boots.  Then she said "and my daddy (who is a cop) has special zombie bullets, so he'll go 'pow pow' and then they can't eat me."  Like I said, I usually don't let the kids talk about aliens eating people or shooting them, but it was hilarious!!!

Whenever we're at home during the weekends and Korbyn is taking a nap, she has this cute new way of letting me know she's awake.  The first thing I hear down the hall is "mommy, I wake up!" I'll tell her "ok."  Then she says "can I get up?"  I'll say "of course you can."  Then she tells me "ok mommy, I wake up and come give you a kiss!" and then she comes scurrying down the hallway with her darn bunny in her hand and gives me the best hug and kiss ever!

 I've been joking with her that I'm going to put her bunny away because she's getting too old for it.  But, it's definitely become a comfort for her.  In fact, sometimes when she gets hurt or upset, that bunny is the first thing she'll ask for.  I'm going to have to post a picture of what it looked like when she first got it and compare it to what it looks like now.