Thursday, August 22, 2013

All About Korbyn Day

 Last week I had a half day, so I decided to take the opportunity to spoil my little girl which unfortunately does not happen very often.  She was in dire need of a first haircut.  I took the first picture that morning when we were getting ready.  I love her hair, I just wish it would either be straight or curly...not both!
 I decided to take her to a place just for kids.  I was talking it up as much as I could before we got there.  When we walked in she said "ooooh look at all this cool stuff!"  She got to pick which movie she watched and which chair to sit in.  She was a little nervous at first.  I had to hold her hand for about the first five minutes and then she was good to go.

 Her hair was so straight after she cut and dried it!  She looked so old :(
 After her haircut, I had to run a quick errand at the mall.  While we were there we rode the big carousel.  She said she didn't want to ride the baby one, she wanted to ride the big one.
 Then we went in to get her fingernails painted.  The lady was surprised that she wasn't even three yet because she was sitting so still.  She loves to get her nails painted so of course she was going to sit super still.

 We stopped in a toy store to get some toy lipstick and a cool new pen then headed for ice cream.  We went to Marble Slab and she chose strawberry ice cream with gummy bears and rainbow sprinkles and finished the entire thing!
 I love that she's getting older and we can go out and spend days like that together.  I know I'll always remember that day and I hope she does too.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


 Apparently she's inherited some of my genes as well.  This girl could argue with a brick wall because she knows she's right and everyone else is wrong...have no clue where she got that from ;)
 One Sunday afternoon I was picking up around the house and Colton was working outside and she had been bugging me for probably half an hour about flying her kite.  It was 100 degrees outside and no wind.  I kept trying to explain to her that you need wind to fly a kite, otherwise it wouldn't work. 
 The next thing I know Colton is opening the front door telling me to come with them because they're going to fly her kite.  What?!  He said she's been telling him for several minutes now that it's windy enough to fly her kite and it will work.  Whatever, let's go prove her wrong. 

Well wouldn't you know there was just enough wind to fly that thing.  She even said "See!  It's windy."
 Another evening she was outside "decorating" all her toys with chalk.  She did a fabulous job on her toys and herself.
 This girl's favorite thing to do is be in the kitchen when I'm cooking.  She even loves to pretend cook at school and at home whenever she has the chance.
 Now looking at some of these pictures, it's no wonder she likes to be in the kitchen all the time!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Crew

Korbyn has what we call "the crew."  Every night when she goes to sleep she has to sleep with all of these things (sometimes more) and then when she wakes up to watch toons, she wants them all sitting with her. 

Starting from the left there's "big dolly" which my mom made back in high school or college.  It's called that because she also has a "little dolly" that looks just like it.  Then there's "gator" who daddy won out of a claw machine game for her.  There's "puppy" which was given to her by Avery, Addy, and Alysse for Christmas.  "Piglet" which unfortunately I cannot remember where he came from.  Now looking at the picture I can see "little dolly" hiding behind "piglet."  Then there's "monkey" who she got from memaw and papaw Doug.  And of course who can forget "bunny?"  I can't wait until she outgrows this stage.  Not that it's not super cute, and I'm sure I'll miss it one day.  But it's really hard carrying her when she wants to carry EVERYBODY at one time!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

4th of July

 Well happy 4th of July!  A month later.  I was going through my pictures and came across these and realized I never posted them.  Korbyn's class made super fun (and inexpensive) hats.  They loved them and thought they were the coolest things ever.
 On the 4th we went out to the parade in Round Top.

 Governor Perry was camped out across the street from us.
 That weekend we went and camped at Sommerville with my brother, his family and a few other families that they knew.  I love this picture because the look on Korbyn's face is sheer joy and excitement.  That's how she gets every time she gets to spend time with her cousins.
 The weekend was so fun and relaxing.  We literally spent all day down by the water on Saturday, and to my surprise Korbyn ended up swimming around like a fish by the end of the day.  She was in and out of the water like it was nothing!  So different from our last beach/lake experience.
 Daddy found a muscle and pried it open for Korbyn.  She carried that nasty thing around like it was her pet.  She would pet it and hold it and never once shied away from it.  We need more weekends like that :)