Monday, January 30, 2012


 The other weekend Colton's cousin had a baby shower, Loranne, Korbyn and myself all rode together.  She is definitely not one to be shy.  Loranne and her sister look VERY much alike so as soon as we walked in the door Korbyn put her arms out for Teri (her sister) and then just kind of looked at her like she knew something was different but it didn't bother her.  Then she just walks around and tells everyone "hi."  Towards the end of the shower her and this little boy were best buds.  They were running around together and were even hugging each other!  They were hugging and then they stopped, but when I asked them to do it again (so I could get a picture) it was no problem and they even hugged each other so hard and so long that they eventually fell over on top of each other!
 She is also starting to want to go to anyone who will take her.  Even when I pick her up from school, sometimes she kicks and screams like she doesn't want to go and she'll see a teacher (even if it's not her teacher) and throw her arms out towards them!  I gotta say, it's kind of embarrassing sometimes.
 She loves to go through my jewelry and will bring it to me to put it on her, and she never wants to take it off I have to always take it off of her.  My niece made her a necklace for Christmas and she wears this thing almost every day!  I think someone may like dress up :)

And the poor thing has been cutting some more teeth so she's constantly got her hands in her mouth.  She's even starting to put her hand over her mouth and say "ow!"  This was after church one Sunday, she fell asleep with her hands in her mouth.
 The other day my vacuum cleaner broke so I went out and just got the cheapest one Walmart had because we're hoping to get rid of the carpet in our house, fingers crossed!  If we ever build I will NEVER have carpet.  And not just because of the dogs, because I feel like it's never clean!  You can vacuum and vacuum but you're never going to get all the dirt out...yuck.
Korbyn was very excited when Colton got the box out to put it together, she wanted to help as much as she could.

 Ohhh little Colton :)
I don't know how people train their kids to smile for the camera, but my kid refuses!  This is the look I got when I told her to smile.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Big kid

 Korbyn loves to "drive" with daddy.  Don't worry, we're in our driveway.
 It's so funny how she is growing up so fast.  She can now sit at the big kids table :)  Before when we would go anywhere I had to always hold her and keep a very close eye on her.  Now it's so much easier because we can put her down and she'll play on her own.  We went to Jenn and Taylor's house the other night and she was eating with Jaci and Cutter at their table like a big kid.
 Then sometimes she can just be so goofy.  Her class takes their afternoon nap from 2-4 so sometimes I ask her teacher if it's ok if I just hold onto her at 2 because we leave at 3 and that way I can put her down at home.  The other day Sam and I were in the baby room and Korbyn was tagging along and she wanted to play with and do everything that the babies were doing!  She HAD to sit in the bumbo.  She still can't figure out that she needs to be directly in front of it but turned around.  So she usually tries to sit down in it but misses completely.  We put her in it and she just ate it up kicking her little legs and playing with the baby toys.
Then she grabbed the teacher's hand and pulled her over to the bouncer like she wanted to get in it.  She looks so funny sitting in that thing!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Test results...

My test was scheduled for 5:00 p.m. and check in no later than 4:30 otherwise my test fees would be forfeited and I would be turned away.  I left my house at 3 (we live an hour away) thinking that would be plenty of time.  My gps in my car is infamous for giving slightly off directions so I put the address in on my car and in my phone just to be safe.  Well wouldn't you know they ended up being both wrong!  The road that the building was on is nothing but parking lots and buildings with no names, and this road had to be 3 miles long.  I turned down it and immediately thought "oh crap."  So I pulled into a random lot hoping to see a sign or something and lo and behold I saw a patrol officer writing out tickets to parked cars and I knew he would be able to help me.  I pull up next to him and show him my paper with the building name and address and he said "ma'am I'm sorry, I have to be honest, I have absolutely no idea what any of these buildings are, but I think the general services building (the one I needed) is in lot 88, I was in 35!  Once I get to that lot I saw that there was a pay station that you had to put your receipt on your dash so not to get a ticket.  The darn thing would not read my card and I never carry cash with me.  At this point my anxiety level is so high because I just know that I'm not going to make it in time, it was already 4:20 and I didn't even know if this was the right building or not!  So it finally reads my card and I go in asking where to go because for some reason there are NO signs anywhere!  I make it into the testing area and I probably had to read the first question ten times before I actually comprehend what it's asking me.  There were 135 questions and I had five hours to take the test.  About half way through I quickly realized that I was having to guess on almost every question.  There were maybe only 10 questions where I was absolutely sure of myself.  So three hours later I just knew that I had failed.  I called Colton to tell him I was on my way home and told him that I would probably be having to retest because there were just way too many of them that I didn't know.  I even teared up a little bit on the way home because I felt like I had already failed.

I knew I could get my scores within 7 to 10 days so I was checking it every single day.  Yesterday I was on the phone with Colton and I was checking it again and I opened it and said "oh my gosh I passed!!!"  I immediately started bawling because it was like this huge weight was lifted.  I realized that I can do this and I do know the material, I just am really hard on myself sometimes.  In fact, when I called Colton right after I took the test and we were talking about how I'm probably going to have to retake it he was like "oh well, if you fail you can just take it again."  I said "no no no, you don't understand, I DON'T fail at things like this!"

So one test down, one more to go!  I take my next one on the 31st and hopefully I won't be so nervous because I'll actually know where I'm going this time :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Christmas videos

I finally got the missing videos from Christmas to load!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Test Time!

Tomorrow is my test date and I couldn't be more nervous.  I'm even more so than before because I thought I was scheduled to take my EC-6 test on the 17th and my sp.ed. on the 31st.  Thursday I was double-checking everything and I just so happened to look at the date on my admission ticket and I'm scheduled to take my sp. ed. tomorrow instead!  It wouldn't really be a big deal but the way I scheduled my training I was finished with my EC-6 two weeks ago and was focusing on that one and was just setting my sp.ed. aside until after the first test.  I almost cried when I realized it!  Thankfully I have today off (so does my mom and she offered to watch Korbyn :) so I've been in front of the computer ALL day doing nothing but trying to finish up my training and study like crazy.  Wish me luck!
 We finally got some use out of our raincoat.  It's an 18 month and is a little big, but will be perfect come our rainy (fingers crossed) spring time.  I think she looks SO much like Colton when she has a hat or hood on and her face is so pronounced.
 Her new favorite thing to do in the car is "read."  I've tried several times to catch it on video but kinda hard when I'm driving.  I took these while we were still coming down our driveway.  She likes to hold the book and look at the pictures and she just mumbles along like she knows exactly what it says, it's so cute.
 Then she caught me looking and taking pictures of her doing it...I have a feeling we'll be getting this "look" a lot as our precious little angel is growing up, hint the sarcasm.
 Constantly playing with my lunch bag.  She has bags and purses of her own but would rather play with mine.
 This is right before we left school to go to the dr.  She looks awful, but it's only because she has a snack in her mouth. 
I have a feeling she's not going to be very photogenic.  She doesn't like it when I try to get her to hold still to take a picture, which I know is pretty common in a one year old, but it's like she hates it when I pull my phone out to take a picture.

That's that lovely hair coming through once again.  Anyone who is around her for a short period of time will tell you she's so funny and so sweet.  But if you're her teacher or myself or know the REAL Korbyn!  Not saying she isn't funny or sweet, but God help us she's a handful.  On the way to church yesterday I told Colton that God needed more red heads in the world and he knew we could handle it so he gave the best one to us :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Ultimate turd

 My sister-in-law watches Maverick who used to be in Korbyn's class at the daycare, and since they live next door it's nice that they still get to see each other occasionally.  She sent me this picture and I just couldn't get over how red her hair looks, or should I say orange?!
 Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing any good (with Korbyn) by being at the daycare.  I LOVE that I get to see her and I can't wait until the time of day comes where we get to go to her room.  But it seems like she becomes this ultimate brat when I'm around.  And yes, she actually does I'm not just saying that because I'm her mother.  The daycare took a couple of pictures to make a thank you card for someone and she would have been completely fine had I not been standing there!  But she gets like that every time I come around her.  Well...sorry, I only have a few more months to be spending my days with my baby so everyone around us is just going to have to put up with bratty Korbyn for a little while longer :)
 She also has become so quick at destroying a room!  This was maybe five minutes after we had been home. But we're really trying to work on picking up after ourselves.  I know it seems a little early to be making her do that, but the way I see it is if you teach them how to behave and what to do the way you want them to from the beginning there will (hopefully!!!) be a little less of a struggle later on.  So if we expect her to pick up after herself from the beginning then it should be easier on all of us!  I know there will be times where I tell her to pick up and she throws herself on the ground screaming because she doesn't want to ... oh wait, she already does that!  Temper tantrums must be inherent in all children.
 And then there are times when I look at her and my heart just melts.  The other day I met my mom at the park to go walking on her lunch break and I turned around to unbuckle Korbyn and the poor thing had her hat all crooked and could only see out of one eye.  I guess I seemed surprised and started laughing at her because she thought it was the funniest thing!