Thursday, March 31, 2011


Last Friday I dropped Korbyn off at daycare and I headed to College Station to sell some books and movies that we cleaned out of the daycare.  The back of my car was full of boxes and can you believe what they gave us for all of them...$15!  If I would have known that I would have thrown them in the dumpster!  It cost me more in gas money just to get there.  We had planned on going over to Jenn and Taylor's for dinner that night so Jenn asked if she could just take Korbyn home with her and that way I wouldn't have to come back into town.  She said all the way out the door at daycare Cutter would yell "BABY!" and point to Korbyn at everyone who would walk past them that he was so excited that she was coming with them!  He is always so sweet to her.  He'll give her her paci and he'll give her a kiss on the head...someone needs a baby sister ;)
 This is Cutter's swing, and it just so happened that I bought her one that day!  She loved it, I think she could live in one if we let her.  It was so cute because after he saw Korbyn in it Cutter wanted to swing in it and he kept telling her "move!"
 About 5 minutes later!
 Saturday we went over to Jenn's parents house and we were trying to get a picture of Cutter and Korbyn both smiling...and this is what we get lol!  Look how white she is compared to that lil' boy!  It was Jenn's brother's bachelor party so they had a little get together later that evening and of course Korbyn had been good all day and right before we were supposed to eat she got crazy mad.  She wouldn't sleep, she wouldn't eat, even when i was holding her and walking with her she was still screaming!  I just looked at Colton and said I think it's time to go.  I HATE leaving things like that because of a fussy baby and I normally wouldn't have, but it was getting late and we probably needed to go anyway.  Well I figured maybe once we got in the car she would settle down and go to sleep, no.  Colton eventually had to crawl back there with her because she wouldn't stop screaming!  He started playing cartoons on his iphone and she immediately got quiet and eventually dozed off (I'm telling you she LOVES tv!), we probably should invest in some screens for the car.  I didn't think we'd be looking into that for at least a couple of years!  So when we get home she wakes up and is still fussy.  I pick her up and she lets out a couple of teeny tiny burps, and then she was fine for the rest of the evening.  I don't know when I'm going to learn that when she gets like that SHE HAS TO BURP!  I can't even count the number of times she just flips out and nothing seems to help and then she'll let out a little burp and she'll be back to normal.  It even happened again yesterday.  She started screaming shortly after I fed her (and she burped afterward), so I figured that gas might be the culprit.  So I laid her down on her back across my legs and started moving her legs around (which she loved) and tipping her upside down for a few seconds then brought her back up and sure enough she let out a little burp and was happy!  So for future reference to anyone who might ever watch Korbyn...if she's fussy she's probably gotta burp!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


 Korbyn's new thing is to feel around on your face while she's eating.  She doesn't do it every time but when she does it's hilarious!  She does it without even looking at you.  She LOVES to feel on Colton's beard, she'll just constantly run her fingers through it, and occasionally pulls it...hard!  And let me tell you, that girl can get a grip.  She usually finds a big chunk of my hair and latches on and you have to pull it out from between her chubby little fingers.  She also likes to stick her fingers in your mouth and then she'll open and close her hand, which then scratches the heck out of you.  She also has learned to scream!  Probably just two or three days ago she started doing it when she first started crying and I didn't know if she was happy or upset, because she also kind of screams when she's happy, more of a squeal I guess.  I think it's so cute, but I'm sure it'll become pretty annoying :)

 We went out to eat with Doug and Loranne and memaw was giving Korbyn water through a straw!  She absolutely loved it.  Before if we went somewhere we could just leave her in her car seat and she would be fine, but as soon as we get somewhere and we're no longer "moving" she wants to get out and look around and be a part of everything, I don't blame her :)
 Going for another walk... I have no idea what she was looking at.  They remind me of sardines!
I could not believe this when I saw it!  She would NEVER have fallen asleep in her bumbo at home!!!  I don't care where or when she falls asleep, but I thought it was amazing that she actually just dozed off and didn't scream her head she would have at home.
 Always so happy in the morning.
Jenn gave her these shoes a couple months ago and now she can finally wear them YAY!  Everyone fell in love with them and all day asked me where i got them.  I took the picture of her shoes but now looking at it her legs crack me up.  She really has put on some weight in the past few weeks!  I love it, I think she looks so darn cute, but wow those rolls!  Even her rolls have rolls.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


 This girl LOVES daycare!  It's amazing to me how different she is when she's there and when she's at home.  Maybe it's just me but she seems so much more high maintenance at home!  For instance, at home if she has the hiccups, forget it, she just cries and screams even if you're holding her until they've gone.  And she's getting better at wanting to be on her tummy to play, but still not crazy about it so at home she'll usually only last maybe a minute.  The other day I walked in to give one of the teachers a bathroom break (my favorite room to have to do that!) and she had the hiccups...wasn't crying, so I put her on her tummy...wasn't crying and continued to play with a toy on the mat!!!!  She had the hiccups and on her tummy and she was completely happy!
 We've also started trying rice cereal.  Well of course at home she will maybe get in two or three bites then start screaming her head off and at daycare she can finish an entire bowl!  Maybe she just knows that when she's with mommy she can do anything she wants...great.
 Going for a walk outside at daycare.  It's so funny seeing the teachers push the babies around in the cribs, but it's really the easiest way to transport them all at once.  Since Korbyn can sit up in the bumbo they just stick her in that but the younger babies they just lay down and they all LOVE it!  That's how we have to do our fire drills to, just chunk them all in cribs and go! :)  The other day my mom had my nieces and nephews for spring break and they drove by the daycare and she said they saw them walking on the sidewalk with them and they circled the block looking for Korbyn but like she said, they all look alike when they're in those things!
 I laughed so hard when I walked in the living room the other day.  As you know Korbyn loves to watch tv, I feel bad but that's what I put her in front of when I need to get something done really quick...but I know I'm going to have to stop doing that, I don't want her to be a couch potato.  Anyway, the way they are sitting was by total accident!  After Colton saw me and I pointed it out to him he thought it was hilarious.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Busy busy busy

This past weekend we had so much going on!  Saturday Colton and I went up to the dayschool where I work because we had our first workday for our new playground.  I'm so excited that we finally were able to purchase it.  When I first started working there back in June of '09 I was shocked at the playground that was there...because there barely was one!  So we worked hard at putting all our fundraiser money into our "playground fund" and figured it would probably take about 5 years before we saved up the money to get what we wanted, because those big metal playscapes are crazy expensive!  But thanks to donations and hard work we were able to get it in less than two years!!!!  So we got there about 8:45 and left about 7:00.  Needless to say we were exhausted and of course I got sunburned.  Thankfully Loranne and Doug showed up, they were such a HUGE help...thanks :)  I felt awful because I told Colton that we would probably only work 'til noon and then we would just get done what we could with the people that we have.  I felt so bad becuase him and his friend have been planning on going fishing for about two weeks now and then he was there all day and they ended up not going!  I figured he would have been pissed off about it but he wasn't, he's such a good sport :)  And I figured he IS putting up a playground that his daughter will eventually play on.

Then Sunday we had baby Tye's baptism.  I was so honored becuase I was asked to be a sponsor to the little guy :)  So we went to the baptism and then ate at the dinner then headed off to Katy for Colton's niece's birthday party.   We don't get to see them very much so we take every opportunity that we can to visit.  And it was Korbyn's first birthday party so we couldn't miss it!  They literally live one exit away from the Katy mills mall so of course we had to make a trip to Bass Pro.  After Addy opened up her gifts we headed out and we came prepared for a long trip in Bass Pro, we brought extra formula and her stroller :)  We get situated and go in and we make it to the first aisle and a sales guy comes up and asks if he can help us with anything and we tell him no that we're just looking and he says ok, well I just want to remind you that we close in 5 minutes!!!!  Needless to say Colton was VERY upset.  That's like telling him that Christmas is cancelled for the year ha ha!  So we turn right back around and get back in the truck and head home.  Thankfully I brought extra formula for the little fart because I had to feed her TWICE on the way home!  They tell me at daycare that she is always all over the place when she eats.  Sometimes she'll only want 2 oz., other times she'll drink 7!  I think she's just going to be a feed on demand eater, I don't think she'll ever get on a good eating schedule!

She was fascinated by my empty beer can!  It was so funny, she was going nuts trying to get them.

 Uncle Mark holding Korbyn.
 She thought the ice in the tea was AMAZING!
 Watching the big kids jumping in the moon bounce.  I'm sure she's thinking, "what the heck are those crazy kids doing?!"

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Jenny Jump Up

I finally got Korbyn a Johnny jump up (Jenny for the girly one).  She can barely see over the edge!  This is the first time we put her in it, I think mommy found her new best friend :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Four months!

We had our four month check-up yesterdy and our shots :( 

She weighed 15 lbs. 6 oz. and was 24", not sure what her head was.  But she is 90-95% length and weight and 20-25% head.  I wonder if she's going to be super tall like her uncle Josh!?  We didn't see her normal dr. but saw an absolute wonderful one!  I actually almost like her more.  She said she wants her to start on cereal with a spoon morning and evening and she'll be ready for fruits and veggies by 6 months.  I can't believe she's already at that stage.  She then got fussy during her exam so I made her a bottle and she immediately put both of her hands on it, which she always does and has been doing for a couple of weeks now, and the dr. was like "wow...that's really good that she can already do that!"  She said she looks great and perfectly healthly. 

I then asked her about her new sleeping habits.  She is still waking every couple of hours and then usually wants a bottle around 1 a.m. but will then go right back to sleep.  I asked her why she may be doing this and that she used to sleep 8 hours every night but ever since she got sick she has been on this crazy schedule.  She looked at me with wide eyes and said "oh my goodness!  She's four months old, she has every right to wake up and want a bottle in the middle of the night!"  Well that solves that mystery :)  I then asked her when she can start sleeping on her tummy becuase at home I let her nap on her stomache but for bed time I still put her on her back.  She said she holds her head up so good that she doesn't see any reason why she can't sleep on her tummy...YAY!  So last night I put her on her tummy and she only woke up around 1 and then went right back to sleep.  So Korbyn and mommy got a much better night of sleep.  And I don't know if it's because she slept so much better or what but she has been in such a great mood today!  I know it's not that far into the day but it's like the old Korbyn is finally back.  Even her teachers at daycare had said that she has been a little high maintenance ever since she had that ear infection but this morning her teacher said "wow!  She is in such a great mood today!" 

The only thing she's got going on right now is her dang boogers.  She is so congested that she can't even suck on her pacifier because she absolutely can't breathe through her nose.  I've been using the drops, sucking her nose like crazy and she sleeps with a humidifier every night and she is still so congested.  Colton had awful allergies and congestion as a child and it looks as though our little turd has inherited that from her daddy as well :(

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Just a cold?

Early Thursday morning, around 1, Korbyn started stirring so I went in and picked her up and she was burning up!  I checked her temperature and it was 101.7, so I gave her some Tylenol and made her a bottle.  About an hour later she woke up again so I checked her and it was still 101.5!  I felt awful because I had to go into work that morning to finish up a few things so I had to take her with me but I just kept her in the office with me.  As soon as 8 came I called to see if we could come in because she was still running a fever and FUSSY!  The soonest they had was at 10:20 so I took it.  I immediately thought it was possibly her ears again because technically she didn't finish her antibiotics because of her hives.

So we get to the dr. and she said, "well, her ears look great, it must be just a cold."  WHAT?!  Sorry, the mommy in me knows that this was not just a cold.  She wasn't even congested nor did she have a runny or stuffy nose!  She said "she looks clear, but with babies you never know, her ears could be infected tomorrow."  Great.

I figured I drove an hour to the dr. to find out it's just a cold I might as well make use of my trip.  Yvonne asked me to be a sponsor for Tye next weekend and I am in desperate need of a new dress so I went in to Macy's.  Korbyn was in a much better mood and she was watching all the clothes I was trying on and smiling at them, it was pretty funny.  Then as I was getting dressed I heard her start grunting and sure enough she filled up her britches.  So I went to go checkout and went straight to the bathroom.  Can you believe that Macy's doesn't have a baby changing station in their bathrooms!!!  So I have to go into the food court and go to that bathroom.  As I'm walking into the bathroom I look at Korbyn and notice she has something on her shirt, I bend down and realize that her poop had soaked all the way up past her belly button all the way around!  Yuck.  I go in and of course the changing station is out of liners and I used my last disposable liner I keep in the diaper bag so my only option was to use a toilet seat liner!  Trust me, if I knew nobody else would be coming in I would have used the shirt off my back, who knows that last time that thing has been cleaned!  And I'm not a germaphobe at all!  But just the thought of all those poopy hineys touching that thing gave me the creeps.

It probably only took a couple of minutes but it seemed like an eternity to me!  It was so hot in there and my hair kept getting in my face, my butt kept turning on the automatic hand dryer which made Korbyn jump every time it kicked on, people were coming in and out and walking right by us, and she literally had poop EVERYWHERE!  Thank God I always keep an extra set of clothes with me, because she definitely needed them.  I wiped her entire body down with wipes (mainly because of the poop but also because of the gross table) then I put germ-x on her hands, then wiped them again and washed my hands with hot soapy water for like 2 minutes!  I felt like we were both disgusting after that.

Then she had another blowout that couldn't be contained Friday morning.  I definitely don't think it's a cold, possibly a virus or maybe her teeth.  Please let my little girl stay healthy!!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011


 Korbyn's teacher sent me this with a message attached..."mmmm, Korbyn LOVES french fries!"  She was kidding of course.
 I love that they send me pictures of her when I'm not there!  She amazingly sat by herself for a little bit...I think it was her big belly holding her up :)

 The girl loves to sleep on her tummy.  Her teacher said she was cranky so she set her down on her tummy on the mat and that's how she fell asleep!  She said she was face down so she turned her head to the side and she kept turning it back, little stinker.
 Watching cartoons so mommy can get ready in the morning :)
Colton's mom and step dad gave us a freezer that they were no longer using so we went over to pick it up and ate dinner with them.  Doug was making Korbyn laugh, it was so precious!  And all he was doing was moving her arms and talking to her!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Ever since she has been sick (rsv, ear infection, hives...poor baby) she has become really attached to me.  It was just me and Korbyn at home all day Saturday because Colton was in a fishing tournament.  But I couldn't do ANYTHING unless she was sleeping!  Every time I would put her down on her mat or in her chair, which she usually loves, she would just start screaming and as soon as I would pick her up she would be absolutely fine.  Not that I don't love holding my baby and making her feel better, but it can wear you out pretty fast when nobody else is around to hold her. 

Last night Colton and I were eating and she was in her exersaucer and she was happy for a few minutes then started crying so I put her on my lap and she was perfectly content for like 10 minutes just sitting there!  It was so funny because she would stare at Colton for such a long time!  He even told her "ok, you won the staring contest babe!"

She's getting so vocal now, I love it!  I growl at her ALL the time and she's starting to do it, it's so funny!  I told my mom that I do that to her and she said "I thought that's what she was doing in church!"  She was so talkative during the sermon on Sunday Colton even leaned over and said "do I need to take her out?"  I was like "NO!  She's just talking!"

 This is that lovey I was talking about, she has also learned to grab her paci and can take it out but hasn't figured out how to put it back in her mouth! 
 We were working outside this weekend and put her on the front porch in her exersaucer, she loves being outside!  I saw this hat at baby Gap and just had to have it!  It's so adorable and will be great for the summer keeping the sun off of her face.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Finally!  Korbyn slept through the night again!  Now I'm almost positive that it was the amoxicillin.  Now that it's completely out of her system she is not as fussy and she slept an entire 8 hours without waking once!  I'm so glad my little girl is back to herself :)  I can't imagine how bad she must have felt though when she was taking it...ugh :(

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Evil amoxicillin

Yesterday was Korbyn's last day to take her amoxicillin for her ear infection.  Around 9 a.m. I went in her room at daycare to give it to her and I noticed she had what looked like a mosquito bite behind her ear.  I told her teachers just to watch it and see what happens.  A little while later they said that it had gone away but now she has another one behind her neck.  Great. 

Saturday night I had called the nurse advice line because when I undressed her for her bath that evening I noticed she had small red dots all over her chest, stomache and back.  Immediately I thought she was probably having an allergic reaction to the medicine because I'm allergic to it and so is my niece, so I was waiting to see if she would also have it.  They said it sounds like just a side effect and not an allergy but if anything changes to call back.  It was gone by morning so I thought "GOOD!  she's not allergic!" but yesterday definitely changed things.  By the time a nurse called me back (I absolutely HATE that about calling the dr.'s office, I wish you could talk to someone right away ALL the time!) she had a blotch about 6 inches long and 3 inches wide across the back of her neck and it was spreading to her face, it looked awful.  They said it sounds like she has hives and that it probably is an allergic reaction and to go ahead and bring her in as soon as possible.  Of course I was still disgusting becuase I had gone to the gym that morning and had minimal makeup and just felt gross.  But I took her home, changed and we were on our way.

Well I saw this goober of a dr. (no wonder he was the only one who had numerous appointments open that day!).  Not that I don't think he was a good dr., but his bedside manner had plenty of room for improvement.  He just said things that could have really offended people.  I kind of take everyone with a grain of salt and see no need to make a big deal when not necessary.  Even at the daycare all the girls were like "why aren't you freaking out more?  You sure are being calm about all this!!!"  I guess I get that from my mom who always seems to keep my feet on the ground :)  Anyway, this dr. starting talking and joking about religion and saying stuff like "maybe God is catholic, ha ha" I honestly was not paying attention to what he was saying so I'm not sure exactly what he was talking about.  But then he kind of jokingly asked what religion we were that we must be Baptist or Methodist...WHAT?!  Where did you get that from!?  So making light of the situation I said "no, we're Lutheran" and kind of kissed Korbyn on the head.  He said "Oh ha, ha well then that's why you must have hives, that's your punishment!" and then proceeded to touch my forehead and made the sign of the cross on me!!!!!!!  What the hell is wrong with this man???!!!!  I told my mom about it and she was like "WHAT!?  You need to tell someone about him!"  But I'll just know that next time I will definitely NOT see him.

I told him that I occassionally put rice cereal in her last bottle before bed for the past couple of weeks and could that possibly be causing the hives?  (because I know of a little boy who did get hives from rice cereal) he said that it could be that or the amoxicillin but her ear was cleared up so go ahead and stop both.  I'm 99% positive it's the amoxicillin but I'm not going to put the rice cereal possibility to bed yet, so we'll have to see.  Hopefully she's all cleared up by Friday because she has her 4 month check up and her shots, but if she's not we'll have to reschedule.

 This is right before her bath last night, poor thing!  I know it itches, when I hold her she constantly rubs her face into my shoulder and when I'm not she always has her hands up by her face rubbing it.  And of course she's too small to take benadryl, so she has to just tough it out!  But I put a cold washcloth on them and it seems to help.
I also asked him, "Is she fat for her age?  Everyone always tells me how fat she is!"  He looked at the chart and kind of chuckled and said "Uhhh, ya...she's pretty heavy, she's above the 100%!" Then I noticed that he was considering her a 3 month old and I said "well, she'll be 4 months Friday does that change anything?  He looked and said "well that bumps her down to 95%!"  LOL!  We're gonna have a sumo wrestler on our hands in a couple of months!  That's ok, I love her rolls :)