Friday, February 25, 2011

Loooong night

Last night was horrible!  Korbyn has always been a pretty good sleeper since day one, but last night was by far the worst night she has ever had.

She had a normal bath and bedtime and I put her down around 8:00, then the longest stretch she slept was for two hours from 5:30-7:30!  I was up so many times I lost count.  I don't know what her deal is.  She would start crying but it wasn't like she was in pain or hungry (I gave her two bottles during the night too which is not like her) but it was just a whine almost.  I was so tempted to just put her in bed with us so I could get some sleep but I think that's part of the reason she was crying.  Here lately on the days that I don't have to go into work I'll put her back in bed with me after she has already spent the entire night in her crib.  It's usually around 4:30 or 5 and then she'll sleep until 8ish and I think she may just be wanting to be next to a warm body, because I snuggle her when she's in bed with me.  And I'm not going to lie, I absolutely LOVE it when she sleeps in our bed!  She's never slept in it with the both of us during the night, only in the mornings.  So anyway, I was tempted to put her in bed but knew that wouldn't be fixing the problem, just progressing it.  So when she would cry I would pick her up and immediately she would put her head on my shoulder and be asleep, so I knew she wasn't in pain or hungry because she would have kept on crying.  So I would hold her a couple of seconds then place her back in her crib and she would kind of stir a little bit but still be asleep, then I would go back to bed and usually about 30 minutes to an hour later she would be crying again!  Finally around 5 I started to realize that she was just wanting me, and that she was completely fine.  So I put one of those little blankets that has the little toy attached to them, I call it a lovey, right next to her face and she immediately snuggled up next to it and stayed asleep until 7:30!  So first of all I'm going to have to stop putting her in bed with me so often, and secondly she's probably going to have to continue to sleep with her lovey :) 

It still could be her ear too.  We found out about her ear infection last Friday and she's been on amoxicillin but every once in a while she'll be fussy and start rubbing her ear.  I hope it's not that, but I can't rule it out.  And I even gave her Tylenol last night because I thought that might be it, but I didn't even notice a change once I gave it to her.  We have her four month well check next Friday and they said they'll check her ears at the same time, so hopefully it's cleared up by then!

I try to send as many pictures of Korbyn as I can to Colton when he's gone and one day he said, "send me a picture of you!  I miss you too you know!"  awwww

 I put her on her mat to give her some tummy time and she fell asleep!
 The next time I go to check on her this is what she's doing....nothing!
 My sleeping babies
 She's starting to live up to that shirt :)
 My nieces and nephews (who are also our neighbors) made birthday cards for me and taped them to our front door, how sweet!

 She was in the middle of about to topple over when I took this!
 I LOVE this picture!

Monday, February 21, 2011


 The girl loves her bath time.
 She's getting really good at holding her head up.  She still has a bobble head, but I can easily sit her in her bumbo or her exersaucer and not have to worry about her head falling over!
 Her favorite toy on that thing is that plastic sun.  She just sits there and tries to reach for it the whole time she's in there.  It has a black smiley face and black eyes and I think that's why she's so drawn to it because it really stands out.
Her teacher sent me this picture when I had to go to Austin, she LOVES daycare!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sick babies

All week Korbyn has been fussy off and on.  Sometimes absolutely nothing else will soothe her and the only thing I can do is give her Tylenol and then she's fine.  Thursday when I got back to the daycare they told me they think she was running fever and she hasn't finished a bottle yet.  I check her temperature and it's 102.2!  I call the dr. right away hoping we can be seen right then (usually they can get you into one of the dr.s) but the soonest they had was at 9 a.m. on Friday.  So I take her home and continue to give her Tylenol.  I have to give it to her every 3-3 1/2 hours because she would be burning up.  Even with the Tylenol her temperature never went below 100.  And you could just tell in her cry that she felt breaks my heart just thinking about it.  So she was up every 3-4 hours that night when her medicine would wear off and would only drink maybe 3 ounces at a time.  So we get to the dr. and find out we have our very first ear infection!!!  It was really sad.  The dr. put her on the table and looked in her right ear and Korbyn was just looking around and when she went to look in her left ear she started screaming!  Poor thing.  They put her on amoxicillin (the only thing I'm allergic to) and she told me to keep her on the Tylenol for the next couple of days. 

Last night was a rough night again.  She's fine while she's on Tylenol, but when it starts to wear off you can tell she's in so much pain.  So of course she woke up every four hours again last night.  She's doing ok today, she's not as lethargic and she's wanting to play a lot more so that's a good sign.  I just feel so sorry for her!

Then of course Colton calls me on his way home yesterday and tells me he is going to the dr. because he feels awful.  Whoa!  This man has only been to the dr. once since I've known him so I know he must be feeling really bad.  We immediately think he has the flu because one of the guys that stays down there with him where he's been working had it last week.  He thankfully gets in to a dr. in town Friday afternoon and he has an upper respiratory infection!  So he also is put on antibiotics.  He came home took his medicine and went to bed.  He said he's feeling much better today but he still has a nasty cough.

As if the day couldn't get any better...

I put Korbyn to bed around 8:30, I was going to hop in the shower and eat some lasagna I had just taken out of the oven and just relax when I decided to let the dogs out because they hadn't been out in a while.  I went out with them and waited on the front porch when all of a sudden I hear a loud thud and Pixie starts barking and I see Rocky come running around the corner of the house and then starts rolling in the ground, I'm thinking what the hell!?  Then I smell it...a skunk!  Rocky had been sprayed right in the face by a skunk!!!  I just kind of stood there thinking "are you kidding me?  Tonight of all nights this had to happen!?"  and it wouldn't have been a big deal but they are house dogs and we just took his big outside kennel down the other weekend because he never uses it, well we sure could have used it then!  I didn't know what to do so I go in the bedroom and tap Colton on the shoulder and tell him.  He rolls over and kind of laughs and says "get some tomato juice."  Well I didn't have any tomato juice so I have to look up a recipe on the internet.  Colton bathed Rocky and I bathed Pixie who fortunately didn't get sprayed but needed a bath anyway.  He got sprayed on the back porch so of course it smelled like it in our house and we couldn't get the smell completely off of him but you can't really smell it unless you get right next to him.  I think we were just both so exhausted that we didn't even care!  So today I opened up all the windows and let Rocky stay outside for a long time and I think we're good now.

Ugh!  Could this weekend get any more exhausting!?  Thankfully Korbyn took about an hour nap with me a while ago and I feel a little more energized, but still really tired.  I guess I'll just hang out and take care of all my sick, and stinky babies :)

I took these all today.  She was playing and talking away on her mat when I went to go check on her and this is how she was!  She accidentally pulled her bow down over her mouth and when she saw me she smiled really big...underneath the bow :)

 Talking away!

Friday, February 11, 2011


Back around October I began speaking to a lady who ran a company that contracted people to work for the state.  It was very exciting because I would still be able to work at the daycare because I would be making my own schedule based on the number of referrals I received and she said that Lee county was just starting up so I would be the only one taking them on in Lee and several surrounding counties.  It was also something where I would finally be putting my degree to use!  My title was "parent trainer" and I would be helping families get their children back after they were removed by the state.  So I would be meeting with families for an 8-12 week period twice a week, send in monthly reports from home and that was basically the job, of course there are many other details that go along with it but that's the gist of if.  I didn't even have to report to an office which was really attractive because she said everything can be done through email.  So I had a phone interview and I was interviewed by her in person and she basically asked me how soon I could start.  She said that I was the only person who applied who was actually qualified to do the job...I knew that degree was good for something :)  So she sent me over the subcontractor packet which included a BUNCH of papers and contracts to sign and she said that it usually takes people about 30 days to get everything together and sent in.  So I've been steadily working on getting everything together and it was taking me longer than I expected, it hadn't been 30 days yet, but I was waiting on my insurance policy (I had to take out a professional liability insurance), and a certificate from a training that I took back in 2009 when I was an intern at Lutheran Social Services...that was a headache.  So I decided I better send her an email just saying that I'm still working on getting everything in and I'll send it all as soon as I get it all together.  Well I just received an email back from her saying that the state made a bunch of budget cuts just within the past couple of days and the "parent trainer" and broker contracts were all being cut state wide!!!  She said to continue to get my packet in to them because they'll keep it on file if the contracts are refunded.  I HATE THIS RECESSION!  I was so bummed because I knew that this would be a great opportunity to get my foot in the door for possibly something bigger, and it would still allow me to be at the daycare while bringing in some extra income.  But I guess Colton and I better be thankful that we both have jobs right now, because a lot of people are still looking for one.  So hopefully they'll get refunded sometime...fat chance if it's a state job.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Single parent

Here lately I've been feeling like a single parent because Colton has been out of town working for the past four out of five weeks!  It's awful and I can't wait for him to be home for good.  He usually has to leave Sunday afternoon then sometimes doesn't make it home until late Friday evening.  It's only like this because of the cold weather, so when it warms back up he'll be back to normal.  We were talking about it and he said he really doesn't mind it because he knows it's only temporary, he gets to see different locations and deal with different people and of course the money is better when he's down there.  I didn't mind it the first couple of weeks, but I was talking to him earlier and I told him I'm just tired of missing my husband and my best friend and coming home to no one but the dogs!  And I feel bad for him too because he's missing a lot of Korbyn growing up, I know it's only a few weeks and I'm acting like it's an eternity but that's what it feels like.  He told me last week that it takes everything he has not to lose it when he leaves...ugh!  That just breaks my heart!  He called me earlier today and said that he has to be on call this weekend down there so he won't even be coming home, but he will get Monday and Tuesday off!  Yay!  Then of course he has to be on call again in two weeks.  So hopefully we can do something for Valentine's day, my birthday, and our (dating) anniversary next weekend.  They are all within a week of each other.  So it's going to be a lonely weekend but I can't wait to see him Monday!

Baby Tye

Cheesy smile!  Ha ha!  I was just so excited to finally hold him :)
Baby Tye is finally here!  My friend Yvonne had her baby boy Monday and of course I rushed to Tomball as soon as I could to go and see them.  He is so adorable.  When I was holding him I was in amazement at how tiny he felt and I couldn't even remember Korbyn ever being that tiny!  He was 7 lbs. 6 oz. and 20" born at 12:44 pm.  So they were very close in weight and length.  I have to give Yvonne props because she made it to a 6 (I think) before getting her epidural...ouch.  I called her right before I left to make sure that I could bring Korbyn into the room.  They said usually they don't allow anyone under 16 but because she was so small it was ok as long as she wasn't sick with anything.  She was at daycare that day so I made sure to clean her off and change her clothes before we went, just in case.  We got there around 5:30 and Korbyn was supposed to eat at 4:30 so I knew she was going to be hungry so I made her a 4 oz. bottle right away (which is what she usually drinks).  Well she sucked that down and she was really fussy right after and wouldn't stop crying so I stepped out of the room because I didn't want to disturb anyone else and she burped and was a little better but kept crying.  A couple of the nurses came over and were doting on her and they kind of lowered their voices and asked "do you need formula for her?"  I was so embarrassed!  I feed my baby...can't you tell!  So I politely thanked them and said no and immediately went back in the room and decided to give her another ounce.  She sucked that down, so I continued to make an ounce at a time and gave it to her and when she was finally satisfied she had drank 8 ounces!!!!  She has never had that much at one time and she never even spit up, she was just super hungry.  We left the hospital around 7:30 and I drove a couple of minutes and she started fussing again!  I knew she wasn't hungry or tired and then I realized that I forgot to change her diaper before we left the hospital!!!  She hadn't been changed since around 3:30!  So I had to pull over in an HEB parking lot and change her, just wet thankfully, and she was good to go.  It's days like that that make me feel like an awful parent!  People probably think I starve my baby and let her go with wet diapers on all the time.  I don't, I really really don't!  It was just a hectic day!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


It's been crazy cold!  But I have to say, it was really pretty :)
 The steps that lead down from our porch were icy and every time Rocky would run back up onto the porch he looked hilarious because his big, gangly legs were sliding all over the place!
 After waking up from a nice long nap with mommy.  Last Friday we closed the daycare because of the weather so we got to hang out all day.
 So pretty.
 This is after we came home from Cutter's house, we went over for the super bowl and never even watched a second of the game!  We hung out outside and enjoyed the weather...for a little while because it got nasty and windy by the time we were about to head home.
Watching the morning news before we head off to school!  She looks so serious.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

3 months

WOW!  I can't believe that Korbyn will be three months old tomorrow.  It literally seems like we came home just a couple of weeks ago.  Time is really starting to fly by, not just with her but in general.  I'm going to be 24 in a few weeks!  I know that technically that's not old, but I can just remember when I was younger and thinking that 25 was ancient.

She is developing so much now and is just becoming a blast to be with.  She has definitely found her voice.  She is always cooing or squealing now.  Even in her bath she's doing more.  She used to just sit in the tub and kind of smile but now when I say "go go go!" she'll get this excited look on her face and just start kicking and waving her arms and she starts splashing so much that water is going everywhere!  It cracks me up!
 This is after we came home from daycare.  She's definitely going to be a chunk!  She's already got the rolls on her legs :)  We've also been getting told that she's starting to look like her mommy more, yay for me!  I still think she looks A LOT like her daddy, but I'm starting to see more of myself in her.
HA!  I just couldn't resist putting this on here.  I had to take Rocky to the vet the other day, which means I had to go get Colton's truck because he can't fit in my car.  And I took Pixie with me, well I have no idea what she was doing buy I look over at her and that's how she's sitting!  She sat there for a long time...that crazy dog.