Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Back at MLLC

I found a job!!!  I'm back at Martin Luther as the Director...I'm not sure if I've come to the realization that I've totally lost my mind, but I'm sure I'll realize it soon.

I took a shot at my pride and picked up the phone one afternoon and called the board president.  I told her that I was still job hunting and I know that their director just quit, stepped down really, she's now my assistant.  The board was a little hesitant to bring me back just because I had quit once already (now.. if I quit, others have quit before me, and this one just quit you would think that people would start realizing what a stressful job this is!) which they were completely entitled to.  It was a big leap of faith for them hiring me back because I had quit AND I gave them a piece of my mind when I pulled Korbyn out a month ago, but they also knew I know what I'm doing ;)

Last Tuesday was my first day back and you know the constant emotion I feel?  Excited!  I'm so surprised at how much I love this job.  I think it took me leaving to realize that I loved it this much.  Now of course any job is not 100% loveable at all times, this one definitely has it's down sides, especially right now.  They center is in a lot of trouble with state licensing right now, so I'm having to come in to A LOT.  But I can honestly say I enjoy waking up and getting to work at 7 and not leaving until 6, that sounds crazy right?!  Thankfully the board agreed to my offer of paying me a salary instead of hourly, although right now I would kill to have the overtime I would be on if hourly.  But I think it's fair on both sides.  I'm putting a lot of hours in right now but that's because I have to with everything that's going on with state.  And eventually I won't have to work those crazy hours but I'll still be getting paid.  For instance, I'm off today yet all I've done is work!  And the free child care doesn't hurt either ;)

This is the main reason I love this job.  The kids are amazing.  It felt so good when I walked into the baby room on the first day and one of the little girls who is about 9 months just couldn't crawl to me fast enough!  She actually missed me!

We'll see how it goes, as of now I'm in it for the long haul.  But I can already feel a difference in my body at how stressed I'm getting.  And it's not all stress, it's just the constant gear turning in my head that never stops!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sea World

A couple of weeks ago we went to Sea World with some friends.  I was nervous because I knew Colton wouldn't be able to take off of work to go (we went on a Monday) and she was still very new at pottying.  All the way to San Antonio her and Cutter played with each other in the car and she closed her eyes and fell asleep as soon as we hit the exit for Sea World!  So she caught a ten minute nap before we went in, I was really hoping she would sleep longer.
 Our first stop was to watch Shamu.  We sat in the splash zone and got completely soaked!  The water was freezing and stunk really bad.  So we walked around the park wet (which was nice because it was SO hot) and I felt like I stunk all day from the water. 
 I didn't know how she would react to the animals since she's only had the one zoo experience before this.  She loved watching all the animals!  I was really surprised at how much she reacted to everything.  She would even watch the shows the entire time.

 The Azul show was my absolute favorite!  The had divers, parrots, dolphins, and acrobats all rolled into one show, it was amazing.
 She would even look up into the rafters and wait for the divers to dive down.
 Then we got a picture with some of the performers, Korbyn was clinging to my shirt because she was so nervous of the crazy man standing next to her!
Even when we went to the aquariums she was so happy to watch all the fish. I'm also really proud of her for only having ONE accident the entire day, and it was kind of my fault.  I toted around her potty seat in the backpack I was wearing and she would tell me "tee tee" all throughout the park.  Well when we were headed out of the park into the parking lot we made one last stop at the bathroom, then we got in the truck.  About 15 minutes after we went to the potty she was saying "tee tee" while in her car seat.  I was thinking she was just wanting to get out.  Sure enough when we pull over a few minutes later the poor thing had an accident in her car seat!  So I'll take the blame for that one because technically she did tell me she had to go.

I paid an extra $10 for a season pass and hopefully we can come back on a weekend where daddy can join us and when it won't be so hot because now I know that this girl loves Sea World!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Father's day weekend

Doug's nephew and his wife are expecting their first baby soon.  So they threw a surprise baby shower at the lake for them.  Their whole family was camping out the entire weekend but we just visited for the day.  The shower turned out really cute and the mommy to be was SO shocked.  She thought we were throwing her husband a surprise birthday party, her reaction was priceless.
 One of the prizes for winning one of the games was this lighter that looked like a pistol.  Of course Colton had to show Korbyn how to use it.  We also played the clothespin game where one word is taboo and if you say it you get your clothespin taken away.  Notice how many Colton is wearing!  He even stole Korbyn's!  She was wearing it on her shirt and the word was "baby" so he showed her a little plastic baby and asked her "Ruthie, what's this?" and of course she said "baby" so he stole her clothespin!  Someone is a little competitive...I can't say much I'm the same way.

 Memaw and papaw brought her little pool along to hang out in by the camper.  So cute.
 This is the fruit tray they created (I helped!) for the shower.  Scott's (Doug's nephew) sister found it on pinterest.  I cannot believe how cute it turned out.
 Then we took a ride on daddy's boat.  It always takes her a while to get used to the feeling of a moving boat.  She hates it at first and just clings to me with her head on my shoulder.  But by the time we were about to pull back in she was driving!  And we weren't going slow!

 They played a really cute game where they had several guys drink beer from baby bottles as fast as they could.
 Then on Sunday we went down to nanny and papaw's pool to relax.  Korbyn is very brave, too brave, when it comes to the pool.  We really are going to have to watch her whenever she's around water.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Puppy love

 This girl is in love with her puppies!  And not only ours, anyone's dogs.  Jennifer watched Korbyn for me the other day and they had just got a new dog (he's already 3) and she said she was so excited about the dog and just wanted to hug it.  And she's like that with kittens too.  Is it something with little kids that they are just so attracted to animals? 

The other day Rocky was laying sprawled out like he is in the picture.  I look over at him and Korbyn is laying sprawled out as well and they are nose to nose just laying there and Rocky starts to lick her face and she pets him and hugs him.  It was so precious!
 I don't know where she gets it from, I'm not a big animal lover and never have been.  But I wasn't raised around animals either, except cows!  I've even vowed that after Rocky and Pixie are gone we are not having any more dogs.  But now seeing the way Korbyn loves on both of them has me thinking that we might just have to get her day.