Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mommy marks

Yes, I now have stretch marks.  I don't like to call them that though, it just sounds so ugly, so they're my "mommy marks."  The other night I had just gotten out of the shower and I was looking at them in the mirror and it just really hit me like a ton of bricks that these are going to be with me for the rest of my life and it seems like I get a new one everyday and my body will never be the same again.  It just overwhelmed me so I plopped into bed with Colton and just started crying!  He had NO idea what was going on, poor thing.  So I told him why I was upset and of course he didn't really know how to comfort me so I just told him to hold me and don't say anything!  After a while he was like "babe, it will be totally worth it and I don't care that you have them."  Which did make me feel a little better, but it still is just really upsetting.  And I have no idea why I'm acting like this!  This is really unlike me to care so much about some stretch marks, sorry, mommy marks, but I think it's just the fact that I'm changing and I can't do anything about it.  Oh man, I wonder what I'll go through when I have a mid-life crisis!

Tomorrow I have a dr.'s appointment so I'll be posting how that goes.  Monday will be the start of my 35th week already!  And no, we still don't have everything we need to be ready for her.  I did start packing her a little bag and slowly getting things ready for what I'll need to be taking to the hospital.  Her carseat actually just arrived yesterday and is still in the box!  And we don't have a few other essentials yet either.  I told Colton that we should have kept it a secret as to what gender we were having because I've noticed that when people are preparing for a boy or they never find out what they're having they seem to get a lot more of the essential things they need for the baby, but when people have girls they get a lot of cute clothes and stuff like that.  Not that we don't appreciate everything that everyone has given her (trust me, we appreciate every little thing VERY much!), just an observation :)

One night last week I was trying to get stuff in her room organized and put away and Colton came in and we sat down and just started talking about all things baby and he said "what if it's a boy?"  I looked around the room at her yellow walls, her pink curtains, her floral bedding and said "I would probably cry."  Not that I would be disappointed if it was a boy, but we would literally have to start ALL OVER!  Of course this little comment brought on another strange dream.  I dreamt that we had just brought her home and we were changing her first diaper and I look down and she has a penis!!!  We had already gotten her ears pierced and everything, so I was like "oh no, we have to take her earings out."  Like that would really be my first concern!  Please oh please let it be a girl in there.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dr. and baby shower

Friday I had a dr's appointment and everything went good...except I gained 5 pounds in two weeks!!!  When I stepped on the scale I almost had a heart attack just because it was such a big jump in a short time period.  When the dr came in I was asking her if I need to be changing my diet or need to be doing anything different, she just kind of laughed (I'm sure she thought I was overreacting) and said "you just look a little more puffy than usual so it's probably just water weight and you're doing fine, you're still in a very normal weight gain range.  You're just in the stage of your pregnancy where you're gonna get puffy!"  She also said that she can't put me on bed rest because there is nothing medically wrong with me and I've had such a normal pregnancy, but that when I get home I do NOTHING.  She said I know it's going to be hard because you're going to want to be cleaning and washing and putting things away, but don't!  You get home, you put your feet up and that's it.  Sorry babe, dr's orders!  Ya right.  I'm sure they tell all pregnant women that hoping to just slow them down a little bit, it's impossible to come home and do nothing, sorry.  I'm starting my 33rd week this week and I measured at 34 cm, right on target!  I asked her if she was able to tell how big she actually was, she felt around a little bit but said she couldn't really get a good estimate, maybe in a couple weeks when she's a little bigger.  Colton and I have our "baby class" comin up on the 9th, I'm super excited about it, I'm not really sure why because I'll probably just get more freaked out about the whole thing afterward!

I had another baby shower this past Saturday, it turned out SO nice.  We had a really great turnout and we got some much needed stuff.

Nice little profile picture, my butt looks just as big as my belly!  And yes, my hair is red.  I went to get a haircut after my dr appointment on Friday and was tired of having to highlight it and keep up with the expense so I was going to get it dyed back to my natural color and just leave it alone (for a while anyway!), well there was so much blonde on my hair that they had to put a filler on it so the brown wouldn't just wash right off after they put it on.  She warned me that it will be a red color after she rinses it because I have natural red undertones (which I've known forever, and my mom has them too) and she was putting them back in.  After she rinsed it and was drying it to get it ready for the brown color, I told her that i kind of liked the red!  I NEVER thought I would want red hair, but I think I was just ready for a change overall.  My body is changing, and growing, more and more everyday and i really just needed a pick me up I guess.  I love it!  Colton was completely shocked when he walked in the door, but don't let him fool you, he loves it too :)  Honestly I'm pretty sure it's just a phase, like I said I just needed a pick me up and I always feel better after doing something different to my hair...I don't know why, I guess that's kind of weird.  My dad HATES it, but then again he hated it when I went back to my natural hair color a couple years ago (which is a fairly dark brown color), he likes it when I have it highlighted blonde.  My mom said she just wants me to leave my hair alone lol!  I guess I do change my hair a lot, but it's just hair!  I consider it an accessory I guess that I can change up and I can always put back!  Who knows, the next time you see me I might be hot pink!

Check out this cake!  Colton's Aunt Terri and his mom made it, they did a fabulous job and it was so yummy!
This was one of the games we played, it was so fun!  We had three teams of three, the first person had to change the diaper, the second person had to dress the baby then run it over to the third person who had to put it in a stroller and weave it through a little maze, very creative!

All of the beautiful hostesses :)

And the memaws!


I don't know how many of you know that I work part time, Jennifer and I split the work week, so she worked last Tuesday and we had a half day Wednesday.  She calls me Tuesday evening and asks me if I can come in at 12 instead of our normal 1:00 scheduled time because one of the parents needs to talk to me about her child.  I'm thinking "great, now what!" but I didn't really ask too many questions because we have to deal with that stuff on a daily basis so it wasn't a big deal.  It's about 11:00 on Wednesday and I'm getting ready to go in for work and Colton calls me and asks if I want to go eat lunch around 1, I said that should be fine because I have a meeting with a parent at 12 and I should be done by then.  So I get to work and as soon as i walk in the office the phone rings from the kitchen and our cook says the milk man needs me down there because he has a question for me, so I walk down to the kitchen and I pass the room that has the kid in it that I was supposed to be discussing in a few minutes.  I was thinking, that's weird because if his mom set up a meeting at 12 that means she wouldn't bring in her kid until 12 (that's usually what time they get there on a normal basis).  I asked the teacher "has so and so been here all morning?" she was like "ya...why?"  I just couldn't figure out what was going on, it was all just a little too weird.  I continue down to the kitchen and I see balloons sitting on a table and I'm thinking "oh shoot, I bet it's our cook's birthday and I completely forgot!" and all of a sudden Jennifer says "surprise!"  I'm like "surprise for what?" she says "for you!"  They threw me a surprise baby shower!!!  They made chicken spaghetti (my favorite) had salad, garlic bread, chips and dip, and our cook even made a homemade peach cobbler and they had vanilla ice cream to go with it...they know me too well :)  ALL of the teachers were in on it and even the church office came over to eat with us.  There was no parent meeting and Colton was in on it too, he called and made me think that I was eating at 1 so I wouldn't eat lunch before I came to work.  They all pitched in and got us a really nice cash gift which will be SO helpful.  They're so sneaky! :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

More baby shower

I forgot I had baby shower pictures I could post!
These are all of my aunts (minus aunt Laverne who couldn't make it) who threw me a really nice baby shower.  And of course the memaws and the grandmas :)

My aunt had asked if i could bring some folding chairs I had at home for some extra seating, so after I got ready at the house I threw on some stinky old black flip flops to run back and forth to my car because I had to load the chairs and make a few other trips and I knew if I put on my heels that I was planning on wearing the rest of the afternoon I would probably have tripped and broke my ankle or something.  Of course I get out of my car AT the shower and realize I still have those gross flip flops on!!!  I was so embarressed!  But hey, it's hard to remember to change shoes when you can no longer see your feet!

When I walk in our bathroom Friday after work this is what I found.  It scared the crap out of me when I first saw it.  Colton and Doug went to San Saba last weekend to work on a truck that has been broken down for a while and they stopped by our house so Colt could take a shower and get his stuff before they left since it's on the way.  When I first saw it I was thinking "awww, how sweet!" then I thought "awww man what is that and how am I going to get it off?"  He took my concealer (that is in a lipstick tube) and used it to write with!  It actually came off very easy, probably easier than lipstick would have come off and it's the thought that counts :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Baby Shower

This past weekend my aunts threw me my first baby shower!  It was really fun just to hear everyone's stories of when they were pregnant (some of them were horror stories) and to see everyone and of course all the cool stuff Korbyn got :)  Now it seems like it's taking even longer for her to get here because I want to dress her up in everything that she got...right now!  My mom got us the curtains for her room and the hostesses got us the glider (still on delivery), which brings us so much closer to having her room finished!  I'll make sure and post pictures when everything is done and put together.

My mom and I went to Austin a couple of weekends ago just to hang out and she wanted to get a gift for Korbyn for the shower.  When we got back she dug my baptism gown out of my old closet along with some of my baby shoes and other things. 

I was so excited because I've never seen these things before!  We are planning on using the same gown to baptize Korbyn in, so that will be really special.  When I showed Colton he said "uh...isn't it a little see through?" :) already worried about what his daughter will be wearing!  It is see through because it's just lace, my mom said I wore some kind of long slip underneath it but she's just not sure where it is right now.  The coat was mine too, it will probably never get cold enough for her to wear it but it's just so darn cute!

Friday, September 10, 2010

So anxious!

Well Monday will be the start of my 32nd week and I am getting sooooo anxious!  It seems like the closer it gets, the longer it takes to get here.  It has been really fun the past couple of weeks to watch my belly because you can see it move so much now.  Like right now she has the hiccups and I can see my entire belly move right along with her!  But she's getting bigger so now we can feel where she is which is amazing.  People keep asking me if I can tell the difference between her hand, leg, head, bottom etc., uh no.  Maybe I'm just not that observant, or maybe my belly is just a lot thicker than most people's lol! 

Last weekend we went to San Saba with my brother, sister-in-law and their three kids.  We had a good time, it was amazing how much cooler it was just three hours north of here!  I don't think it got over 90 all weekend.  Their youngest, Noah who's four, is so funny.  It was the last day we were there and we were cleaning up after breakfast and he walked right by me and he stopped and looked at me for a second then looked up at me with the most serious face and said, "you got a big belly!"  We laughed so hard.  Then we asked him what was in there and he knew there was a baby in there and told him her name and he calls her cute!  Colton and I were talking on the way back home and I was saying that we only have 9 more weeks until our lives change forever and Colton said, "nah, it won't change that much."  HA!  I honestly don't think it has fully "hit" me yet, and obviously hasn't hit him, and I really don't think it will until we see her and walk in the house with her for the first time :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Blood Test

Last Friday I went and did my glucose test and they drew blood for that and to test if I was anemic.  I called them yesterday to find out the result, since they hadn't let me know anything yet, and everything came back normal!  She said my glucose score was a 91 and as long as it's below 140 they aren't concerned, and my hematocrit score was a 36.7.  She said it's not a great score, but not bad enough where I need to take a supplement.  I'm so releived these came back normal!  I'm not that great of an eater, health-wise, and if I would have had either one of these it would have made it so difficult to have a more healthy and balanced diet than I'm already trying to get.

I told Colton that it seems like my body LOVES pregnancy.  Before being pregnant I would get moody and over emotional about a lot of things, I would get very frequent and painful headaches and it seems like since I've been pregnant all of those things have gone away and everything has been so easy for me. I told him I guess that means God wants us to have lots of babies :)  Of course I'm starting to get all of the pregnancy pains that come along with it.  I went walking yesterday evening and noticed I am having more and more trouble getting a good deep breath and that if I push down on my belly that it actually helps!  And oh my goodness my hips!  I've always had big hips so I didn't think they would need to stretch a whole lot for a baby, but that is the one thing that is killing me right now.  Not too much longer though...only 9 more weeks!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Korbyn's Room

Last weekend Colton had a bass tournament where he left the house around 5 a.m. and wasn't going to be home until about 5 p.m., so needless to say I had nothing to do...except get her room ready, which I was told NOT to do by my husband. But it was too tempting, we had the paint sitting there for like a month already and I couldn't stand it anymore. So I started working on it around 10 and it did not get finished until the next day! And yes, I moved some of the stuff around but I was careful how I moved it and everything is ok.

These are some before shots of the room.  All the white spots are holes that I had to fill in, and I still mised about half of them.  And if you're wondering...yes, the blue paint was a nightmare to cover up.  It actually took two coats of primer and two coats of paint!
So I put this first coat of yellow on and was so disappointed!  It was not the color I wanted at all, it was way too yellow.  I called Colton as soon as I put it on and told him I hated it and that it looked like the inside of a mexican restaurant! Well he just happened to be getting in his truck to head home and he said he would stop at Walmart to pick up a different color, thank goodness!  When he walked in the house he banned me from entering the room again because of the smell, everytime he would hear me come down the hall he would yell "don't even think about it!"  So he finished putting on the lemon yellow coat and then put the new one on the next day.  He looks really mad in this picture but it's because I snuck up on him and took it right as he turned around, he busted out laughing telling me to get out of there as soon as I took it.
This color is much more what I had in mind!  We installed some cheap vinyl roller shades to help block out some of the heat and the light...they work wonderful!  We're still planning on putting curtains over them, but you can see in the top picture how the sun is almost burning through the window!  When I was painting I would start to sweat as soon as I stood in front of that window (it faces the west and gets that ridiculous afternoon heat).  That room used to get unbearably hot because there are old, single pane windows that don't have a good seal so we used to always just keep that door closed in the house because it would literally feel about 10 degrees hotter in there.  But now with these shades it makes a world of a difference!  There's still a lot of work to do in there but at least that's one more thing I can cross off our list!