Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Smarty pants

 I'm sure I'm a little bias when it comes to the intelligence of my one and only child, but this girl seriously amazes me at how fast she is learning things.  We were over at my mom's one evening with some of my nieces and nephews and they were playing shape bingo.  Colton was actually the one playing but he said every time he would ask her where the color and the shape was she would point to it with no problem!

I have a game on my kindle and it gives four shapes on the screen, some of them repeated but a different color.  Then it will ask aloud something like "find the blue diamond" and although there may be a purple diamond along with a blue diamond, she'll get it right every time.   I know there are tons of kids out there that can properly play a shapes game, but it seems like just a few weeks ago she couldn't recognize them and now she's a pro and not even two yet!

She is even putting several words together to form sentences.  Just a few minutes ago I asked her where her baby was and she "I don't know where baby is?!"  It took me by surprise at how clear she said it.  We can basically ask her anything and know that we'll get an answer from her...it has made life SO much easier when we can communicate!

 And then of course she just loves being a good ol' kid and playing in the dirt.  We were out at Fedor and I gave her a piece of broken pipe (in the picture) and that kept her busy for almost half an hour!
 She definitely keeps us on our toes and keeps us laughing!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Dentist

 Last Wednesday Korbyn had her very first dentist appointment.  I was extremely nervous because I just knew she was going to flip out.  My niece came with us that day because she wasn't feeling well so her mom asked if she could hang out with us that day.  It turned out great because she was such a big helper with Korbyn all day long and was our photographer!
 This is the most amazing dentist office by the way.  Everyone was so friendly, nice, and patient and I know that played a huge role in the success of her appointment.  They even have a magnet board in the waiting room where they put the "new tadpoles."
 We went into the room and the hygienist pulled out a stool and told Korbyn to come sit down so she could take her picture.  I was thinking to myself "ya right lady, good luck with that, my daughter doesn't do pictures."  Wouldn't you know this little ham sat there so well and let her snap away all while smiling, looking at the camera, AND saying "cheese!"
 As soon as the dentist came into the room she got very shy, which I completely expected.  But her laying back and not saying a word while he brushed her teeth and looked in her mouth for several minutes I was not expecting.  She got freaked out just for a few seconds about half way through, but then calmed down and let him finish the exam no problem!

 Then she got to pick out stickers which was her favorite part!
 Her appointment was over around 10 a.m. and I had my appointment at noon.  We were right next to Petco and Lowe's so we decided to kill some time before we grabbed lunch.  We went to Petco first and Korbyn had so much fun looking at all the different pets.  We then headed over Lowe's where we got a shop vac that Colton had been asking for.  When we get out to the car I'm looking for my keys and panic when they're not in the same pocket that they're always in inside my purse.  I look into the window and sure enough they're still in the ignition with the doors locked!  I google locksmith and just call the first one that comes up.  There goes $60 to open my car...grrrr!
 So after having to wait around for the locksmith we are now at 11:30 a.m. and I'm starting to get a little nervous because number one, I hate being late.  Number two, I know that my appointment is all the way across town.  Number three, I know that if I don't stop and get them something to eat before we go to my appointment Korbyn will be extremely cranky.  Thankfully there's a Carl's Jr next to Lowe's and I swing through there to grab them some lunch and I figure they can eat it while we're driving across town (through construction) to get to my dentist. 

According to my gps on my phone and in my car I'm supposed to be right where I need to be, yet I see no dentist office.  At this point I've already turned around once looking for the place.  I get on the phone and call them asking for directions and during my phone call Korbyn starts kicking and saying "tee tee!"  The receptionist proceeds to tell me "oh we're right next to Carl's Jr. in the shopping center with Lowe's."  I could have screamed and thrown my gps out the window.  I pull over as soon as I can so Korbyn can pee and when I get her out the poor thing had an accident in her car seat.  Thankfully I came prepared with an extra set of clothes and I pulled the bottom lining of her car seat off and laid a towel down for her to sit on.  Not only do I walk into the dentist office late, I'm also already getting looks from all the receptionists and hygienists for having kids with me.  I know, I know, I'm the moron mom who brought two kids to a dentist appointment but the reason it irritates me so bad is that I called two days before my appointment and asked if I could bring Korbyn with me AND offered to reschedule my appointment.  The receptionist on the phone was so nice and said that it won't be a problem at all...well she must have been off the day of my appointment! 

I've never felt more uncomfortable in my life.  They were so rude!  Not a single person smiled at her or made her feel welcome, so of course she started crying when I had to go into a room to do my x-rays.  I figured someone would hold or comfort her besides my 10 year old niece.  When I was in the chair I just about pulled that little blue bib off and threw it in their faces and stormed out when one of the receptionists came barging in with Korbyn on her hip, her face smeared with tears, and said "see!  there she is now you need to be quiet!"  It took everything I had not to get up and just leave and if I wasn't in dire need of an exam I would have.  I held her for a little bit and then she held my hand when the dentist was examining my mouth.  She did just fine after that.  She was probably terrified of all the rude people...kids can SO sense that kind of stuff.
 We then had to go grocery shopping...talk about a long day.  We get into the store and she sees the carousel and says "I ride it?"  So I dug up some change and asked her which pony she wanted to ride and she said "bue!"  I was cracking up the entire time because she never once moved from that pose that she's in and just kept going round and round.  Korbyn had an excellent experience at her first dentist appointment, I just hope she continues to act that way each time.  Mommy's appointment...not so much!