Sunday, March 9, 2014


Last weekend we went on our first camping trip of the year.  Yvonne and Cody had their kids' birthday parties at the lake so we decided that we would stay out there with them.  Although cold and wet, we still managed to have a great time.
This was after Taylen had opened her gifts and of course Korbyn saw kitchen stuff and was happy and content almost the rest of the afternoon playing with it.
Evan couldn't miss out on all the fun!  We bundled her up and she was just as happy as could be, although she's not showing it in this picture.
I always joke with my friend Yvonne that they should move closer to Giddings, and after this weekend I wish they would!  Tye and Korbyn play so well together.  It's funny that even though we're not around each other a lot, we treat each other's kids like they're our own and we do it without thinking or asking each other about it.  I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that we've been friends since we were three ourselves!
I can't wait to go camping more this year!

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